Posted: Tue Mar 2, 2021 12:20pm
I too have been 'done' with this camera and have made a representation, if that fails I'm prepared to take it to court.
In short - I've cited that there is no notice given as you turn left into Dulwich Village, from E Dulwich Grove, there is no indication that you have entered a zone subject to any additional restrictions.
Taking the following route through and back out of Dulwich Village you also encounter no signs.
E Dulwich Grove, turn left into Dulwich Village, turn right into Turney Road then turn left into Burgage Road. Stop at the end where you encounter the 2 mini roundabouts with multiple traffic scenarios.
It is at this point you will need to look carefully right for traffic from the roundabouts and also the road to the right, plus looking for anyone turning left into Burbage who's not indicated correctly ..
From the drivers view point the signs are completely invisible due to the placement / height, see photo, and a correctly installed drivers mirror would simply be in the way for most drivers.
If you do suddenly see the signage after having started your turn left, you are faced with the option of braking hard or pulling hard to the right back onto the second roundabout as you make the turn. Both are highly dangerous manouvers and I believe would be considered driving without due care and attention should you cause a car behind you to colide with yours.
The council could respond with we don't need advanced signage, however they do actually provide it for changes on Calton Avenuewhen you turn into Dulwich Village from E Dulwich Grove, see photo,
I'll update when I hear back from Southwark. But I don't believe anyone should be paying this, depending on the route they took through Dulwich.