afternoon, afternoon, afternoon, afternoon..
waste, some, time, and, waste, some, time, and, quick, ting, quick, ting, and, and, yeah,
practice run's, clean up's, clean up's, practice run's, ignore this, still, and, and, ignore this, still, and, and, yeah, practice run's, clean up's, clean up's, practice run's, apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, and, and, yeah,
man, a, peacekeeper, peacekeeper, mediator, mediator, still, and, and, yeah,
it's, a, peace, ting, it's, a, peace, ting, it's, a, peace movEment, on reflex, on rEflex, yeah,
yes, yEs, afternoon, afternoon, afternoon, afternoon,
i hear you, i hear you, i hear you, i hear you..still..but, yeah,
gentlemen, ting, gentlemen, ting, gentlemen, gentlemen, still, and, and, yeah,
step, stepping, step, watch the step,
the, manifesto,
resume, repertoire, etiquette, manner's, man, humble, man, humble, manner's, etiquette, repertoire, resume,
the, manifesto,
gentlemen, gentlemen, still, and, and, man, a, peacekeeper, peacekeeper, punching bag, punching bag, stiil, and, and, yeah, man, a, peacekeeper, peacekeeper, a, private citizen, private citizen, still, and, man spiritual, just, like, you, just, like, you, man spiritual, man, a, peaceman, peaceman, man, a, man of peace, peacekeeper, peacekeeper, mediator, mediator, still, and, and, yeah, man, a, man of peace,
apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, and