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Disrupted Sunday

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2020 6:53am
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Location: Brockley

Joined: 17 Aug 2020

The peace of a Sunday relaxing for the week ahead yesterday, Sunday 16 August was wrecked by loud thumping music in the park, with a group of people and families enjoying barbeques and a get together -  this started at lunchtime and continued without respite until 9.20pm when rain stopped play.  Hard to believe that the amount of people gathered would meet the current social distancing rules.  I was upset to see this morning as a final gesture of utter disregard for residents who live around the park - a large amount of rubbish and black sacks left behind where people had congregated.

Please respect our right to enjoy our Sundays as well - and if you are having a get together please do this in the middle of the park - away from the edge of the park and residents homes - and turn the volume level down - other people do not want to listen to the noise, particularly a thumping base.  It felt like the party was in my home - not in the park.

We are happy that people enjoy Hillyfields park - it is a park for all the community near and far - but yesterday was not a good experience for the people who live around the park - and it's not fair that we then have to clear up the mess left behind by thoughtless people.

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