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Lost: Cream / red colourpoint Fluffy Cat, Westbourne Road

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2017 10:52pm
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Location: Chatteris

Joined: 21 Jul 2017

A quite timid cat, Cream(White) in colour with tail and ears and forehead reddish ginger. He has a fluffy tail and generally long haired but with "grooming" this is an uneven cut! He iss a character who tends to hide away, has a history of hiding in the most obscure places the size of a shoe box.

He has bright blue eyes and at night these will reflect back as a strong red colour. he will not approach strangers and will hide more deeply into a crevice or wood stack or garage. He is a litle unsteady when balancing on narrow fence top or similar and seems to have a slight sight / judgement deficiency which means he easily deterred from making jumps to escape fenced in areas. he has been contained in a garden for 7 years and recently discovered a way out which has made it almost impossible to contain him so we just need to hope he gets back or some one finds hiim near the old Travis Perkins site at the London Road end of Westbourne Road.

We would appreciate people giving a VERY thorough search as he is a good mouser and could get trapped in a wood pile or similar e.g. if he disturbed the stack whilst burrowing in. The rain on the night of 19th was particularly heavy and he was not really used to going out in such conditions. 


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