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Trying to make contact with Donald Spillane or family

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2020 8:04pm
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Location: Christchurch

Joined: 18 Nov 2020


My name is Paul C. and I live in Cheshire. I have recently retired and I am trying to identify a car once owned by my uncle in the 1960s. It is a Triumph TR3A sports car, red with black interior when I knew it. Sadly, I don't have any photographs or documentation - one cousin thinks the registration was nnnERA, that's all we have.

By using contacts in various enthusiast clubs, I have identified one potential candidate for this car, with a registration 798ERA. I know the car's ownership back to 1966 when it was owned by Donald Spillane of Boscombe, Bournemouth, but there is a gap between the year the car was registered in 1957 and Donald registering his ownership in 1966. If this is the right car, then this is the period when my uncle may have owned it. Donald may even have bought it from him.

So, I would like to find Donald or anyone in his family who may remember the car, may have a photograph, or may know anything about the car, so I can rule it in, or out of my search. I don't know if Donald is still alive, it's quite possible, and from ancestry searches a Donald Spillane married a Yvonne A Button also in 1966 - this may or may not be the Donald in question.

I chose the Christchurch forum because there isn't a Boscombe or Bournemouth on the menu.

So I'd be very pleased to hear from anyone who can help.

King regards,


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