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Increasing bus fare's for school transport

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2018 3:40pm
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Posts: 1

Location: Much Hadham

Joined: 23 Apr 2018

Has anyone experienced the latest 40% increase of 351 bus fare for your children traveling to and from school? I have two teenage children, before Easter Holidays I was paying £10.20 for weekly return to Birchwood in Bishop's Stortford per child, now I'm being charged £14.50 a week per child that's nearly a 40% increase, it will now cost me £29.00 a week to get my children to school. We used to get two buses coming through Much Hadham for the school journeys now we get one and still the same amount of children going to secondary school. Yes I do have a SaverCard which doesn't save me money, all that gets me is a child fare! Confusing isn't it, but I have to have this card to prove my children are children!!

I'm fed up with the bus company & local authority trying to squeeze yet more money from me, we all rely on this transport, I don't mind paying but they could at least make it fair and reasonable.

I'm meeting with our local MP at the end of this week, so if any one has experienced the fare increase (which ever school your child attends) please let me know and I will pass this on.

I think we need to have a fair system to all.

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