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Are taxi journeys regulated by a meter or it is on the driver's say so?

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2022 2:53pm
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Location: New Romney

Joined: 5 Oct 2022

While I am outside the area my very elderly disabled mother lives in Greatstone. She has given up driving so I tried to find a taxi firm who could collect her about 1.30pm on a Tuesday and collect from Brenzett Village hall by 4.30pm the very latest as doors are locked, gate shut and she would be left in the street or have to impose on someone for a lift.

I found some taxi firms numbers advertised online no longer exist or I couldn't arrange anything. One firm has a hair day Tuesday's, another said they only have two cars so couldn't promise they could pick up on time, the last said they could do it for £17 each way then later changed their mind saying they didn't realise it was Greatstone so that would be £22 each way, then said they did a school run so could only take at 1pm (venue is closed) or hope to arrive for 4.30pm. I gave up!

Where I am taxi's run on a meter and can only charge what the meter says, it is only minicabs that can 'make up' their fares. Are taxi's in new Romney metered or are they really minicabs?

We are now trying to find a car share with someone who attends the meeting, it appears taxi operators in New Romney do not need the business, or is it because a 91 year disabled woman is too much trouble?

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