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can anyone help trace these people please

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 4:15pm
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Location: Pontypridd

Joined: 15 Jan 2017

Hi my name is Sarah and my dads name is Gareth Wheeler ,Can anyone help trace these people please for my dad, I've set this account up for him as he doesn't really do much on the computer without help. For the last 4 ears I have been trying to trace some of his old School friends for him that he wishes to get in to contact with. I found 3 in a couple of days and the others have been very hard to trace. And I can usually find people very quickly and I have searched for alot of people for others for over 24 years now. And I've recently started my own business via my website.

My dad attended Pontypridd grammar school between 1951-1958. His mother and father used to own the local hairdressers at no8 ceridwen terrace Pontypridd (Meg and Tom Wheeler), they also lived there. We have groups/pages all over the internet looking for these other people who are being hard to trace. We also have photos off them from school and birthday's and we have found records for them but then always hit a dead end. We know a couple of the exact birthdates etc, but I'm with holding them to protect their identity, because identity theft can be a problem via sites etc i know. So here's some of the information re the people who we want to trace.

1) David James Allison aka jimmy who was born in 1939 and live in middle street Pontypridd with his mum and sister Margaret. My dad believed David was born in ponty, but it turns out he wasn't and he was originally from high Wycombe from the records we have found so far. David was in to art and planes and his mothers maiden name was Brooks.

2) David F turner who my dad knew from school David was born 1940 and lost an arm in his teens in a car accident my dad says thats what he remembers.

3)Michael Underwood who dad thinks also lived in middle street Pontypridd

4)john glyn-dwr/Glyndwr Pritchard who we believe was born march 1940, we believe his mothers maiden name was bloodworth or there's a connection somewhere to the name Bloodworth, John Pritchard was a keen cricketer and he lived in Thurston road ponty.

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