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Suspicious activity

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 4:24pm
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Posts: 1

Location: Waunarlwydd

Joined: 20 Sep 2016

The farm on black hill has destroyed a lot of greenery. There is work being done through the late night including bright lights and strange noises. They are shooting quite often for practice (two men with double barrel shotguns). A couple of people have been chased off by people with guns and by a small white van that sits at the top of the hill. They often burn huge mounds of wood and tires that they have destroyed from the nearby land. They are undergoing some sort of expansion to their farm buildings too. Will keep everyone updated if I spot any more suspicious activity around the farm in question.

Their barns are heavily protected with huge metal gates and have anti climb spikes on them. Inside the first barn were stacks and stacks of scaffolding poles and platforms (more information about the contents of the barn will come soon). They have secured the site with fences around the perimeter of the barns and the office building.

-20/9/16 18:30 aprox. 8 shots fired with no visual on the shooter/s.

- 20/9/16 18:35 High activity with tractors in and out of the site.

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