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A polite request

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2021 4:25am
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Posts: 36

Location: Aldridge

Joined: 24 Oct 2021

A polite request.

May I just mention that despite the general relaxation of safety precautions, and the vaccination program, some residents are still vulnerable for personal reasons. Not everyone on immunosuppressive therapy or recovering from their lasting effects, looks pale, sickly and has no hair. Enjoy the freedom but may I politely ask that we all understand not everyone is in the same situation. I wish you all the very best and hope you remain well and your loved ones do too.I thought I would take a moment to explain how the many,many people with auto immune conditions live. Dozens of chronic and incurable conditions are caused by the immune system waging war on the owner's body. The only way to help this is to basically kill the immune system. Your attackerr is dead.But now if you get sick,you may just die. Often we are photosensitive so can't even go out on a sunny day. nails and teeth fall out. There are so many conditions. some you are born with,some just appear. But it doesn't always show.I hope that explains the problem a bit.

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