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Can anyone help a friend of mine PLEASE

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2023 9:53pm
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Posts: 1

Location: Basildon

Joined: 19 Aug 2023

I've never done this before but I really, REALLY  need to get some help for my friend who lives in Laindon,  She doesn't ask for help as she doesn't want to put anyone out just to help her , she is in her 60s but doesn't look it , she has had to loan a chest freezer as her upright freezer kept beeping wanting a reset alert, but everytime she did the reset every 2-3 hours it'd go off again. She has copd and a really bad twisted spine among many other ailments , I used a chat app for Basildon and someone contacted me to say they'd fix it as a one off gesture, so I told her I'd got someone who could fix it for her , but he told her it was fixed and demanded £150 she explained that she needed to keep some money in case of an emergency,  so he said he would put it back to how it was , then while she was checking that it was fixed he took the money in her handbag. Is there anyone who could fix my friends freezer problem please?  as she has to give the chest  freezer back within the next 7 days and will have no way to freeze her food. I'm too far away to be able to help her unfortunately , so I thought I would find a Basildon based chat site and ask for help, as she helped me and my kids had our rented house sold by the landlord making us homeless , despite her having been through more trauma than anyone I've ever met. 🤞🤞🤞

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