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Looking for playdate/socialization for my deaf cat! (dogs ok, actually preferred!!)

Posted: Tue Aug 2, 2022 8:01pm
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Location: Chichester

Joined: 2 Aug 2022

I have a beautiful deaf rescue cat called Albie, approx 1.5 years old, adopted from Shanghai, China (highly suspect he is a bred Khao Manee and abandoned because of his deafness).

He has had a hard life - FIP (wet/dry/neuro) cured several months ago, lived with cruel housemates and has had a very unsettled life in the past year. He is the absolute light of my life and I would never dream of giving him up, but I am becoming increasingly frustrated with his behaviour, and he is becoming increasingly frustrated with my busy schedule!! 

Looking to connect with someone with pets who may be having the same problem/wants some socialization for a new kitten/puppy or just a new friend to bond with over their fur baby! He is incredibly active and social, gets along great with dogs (his rescuer had a bunch) but he's a little rude to other cats initially (he argued with his last live in pal for an hour, then they were BFFL!), so maybe not a good fit for older or more timid kitties.

I would also welcome any training advice.

Please note that I returned from Shanghai 13th July and due to the stress of the international move and Albie's recovery from FIP, he is not up to date with his vaccinations (yet).

Please reply to this or drop me a text on 07724044842 

Thank you

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