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Searching for war hero from Killamarsh

Posted: Mon Sep 6, 2021 8:00pm
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Posts: 2

Location: Killamarsh

Joined: 6 Sep 2021

Hello fron the Netherlands, Venray, where on the CWGC Venray War Cementry a young man from Killamarsh is buried. He died while liberating my country from nazisme and paid for it with his life.

His name is Ernest Bentley (b. 1923) and he died on October 18, 1944 in Veulen Netherlands, just 21 years old. His parents were George E. And Lily Bentley Pashley. 

Ernest had two brothers, George and Edwin,one older, one younger. 

He was part of the 2nd Fife and Forfar Yeomanry and his service number is 7962855. 

Local people have “adopted” the graves on the cemetery and we try to give all the men a face and or a voice so that their story is told and will never be forgotten. To give them a face I am searching for a photo and a little bit of personal info. 

I understand it is a long time ago, but perhaps someone in this group remembers the family and is willing to help me with my search.

Thank you.

Hello fron the Netherlands, Venray, where on the CWGC Venray War Cementry a young man from Killamarsh is buried. He died while liberating my country from nazisme and paid for it with his life.

His name is Ernest Bentley (b. 1923) and he died on October 18, 1944 in Veulen Netherlands, just 21 years old. His parents were George E. And Lily Bentley Pashley. 

Ernest had two brothers, George and Edwin,one older, one younger. 

He was part of the 2nd Fife and Forfar Yeomanry and his service number is 7962855. 

Local people have “adopted” the graves on the cemetery and we try to give all the men a face and or a voice so that their story is told and will never be forgotten. To give them a face I am searching for a photo and a little bit of personal info. 

I understand it is a long time ago, but perhaps someone in this group remembers the family and is willing to help me with my search.

Thank you.

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