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Irresponsible and abusive dog owner in Paddington Recreation Grounds

Posted: Sat Apr 9, 2016 1:09pm
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Location: Regent's Park

Joined: 9 Apr 2016

Greetings readers,

I am a dog walker/ sitter/ borderer and owner, and I am currently learning to be a trainer and sometimes work with rescue dogs. I have a client with a rescue in Maida Vale, right next to the Paddington Recreation Grounds. That dog (Lets call her X) has her issues, she howls at other dogs. That's why I always keep X on a lead and with a head collar when we are in the park. I use the opportunities when dogs are around to teach her not to howl at them. Most of the time I would go inside the small dog exercising area, where I still keep her on lead if other dogs she doesn't know are around. This morning I picker up X as usual, and took her to the park. The park itself was full of people, kids, dogs running free. I prefer not to take X where there are kids and puppies running free - I do not want anyone to get frightened by the howling and barking. We went to the dog exercise area, where only one other dog and it's owner was. For a while the owner (lets call her B) didn't mind me training X. Her dog kept running towards us, barking, jumping and getting exited. I tried to ignore it as much as I can, and used the opportunity to calm X down next to a new dog. Everything was completely fine while B (sort of) had some kind of "control" over her dog. I never for a moment let X off the leash. I started walking her around the area, just keeping her calm as she should be. At that point B's dog ran up to us again, this time overly exited, jumping and barking. I tried to walk X away with no luck, she put her bum to the ground and wouldn't move while the little dog jumped all over her, barked and tried to nip at her. At this point B got up and started blaming me for bringing X to the dog exercising area. I tried to explain to her as calmly as I can, that this is a public park, and this is the official dog area in the park, where dogs can both run around free, and trainers can train their dogs. I have NEVER had any complaints about training X in the dog exercise area, even with more than 3 dogs around. I was actually asked for my card so I can help train other dogs, too. And I myself do not see anything wrong with training your dog in a public place - I have a problem with those who don't train their dogs and let them go crazy off leash.

So at this point I couldn't move X anywhere - B's dog was jumping all over me and X and barking, not letting us move. The only way I could have moved away is if I tried to push B's dog off of me, which I would never do to any dog. B at this point is swearing at me, calling X a crazy dog and using the F word towards me on several occasions, while HER dog is going out of control and she is unable to catch it. All the way to the gate the dog kept jumping at us, and B kept on insulting us. I remind you that this whole time X is in a head collar, and completley under control by my side. I do not mind the insults that came towards me, what I did mind is the insults that came towards X, who is a dog and obviously can't stand up for herself. What's bothering me the most is that B herself won't train her dog, and expects everybody else not to do so to, or go train them around kids in an area that is not designated for dogs (seriously?). B's dog had no recall, and was ignoring the owner. Defiantly a dog I wouldn't let off leash in a public space - the dog was a danger to itself. Many breeds would just attack it and that dog would be done for.

So here's my warning to you: B is a grumpy looking lady with long dyed red hair and a black french bulldog cross(?) I'm not sure. Just know that if you want to train your dog to be stable and happy, stay away from B and her dog. 

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2024 10:08pm

Posts: 3

Location: Maida Vale

Joined: 21 Feb 2024

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2024 10:08pm

Today I was verbally attacked by a dog owner who chased me up swearing with f* words, after I tolled her to keep her dog on the lish and to pick up her dogs poo. The owner is dangerous and doesn't like to be tolled to keep her dog on the lish. She chased me and swore and then she recorded on video when you tell her off. She looked mentally unsafe! 

Her dog pooped everywhere and the owner refused to pick it up, it roamed on flower beds and everywhere it shouldn't.

It's a disaster!!! 

We need council involved! 

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2024 10:12pm

Posts: 3

Location: Maida Vale

Joined: 21 Feb 2024

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2024 10:12pm

At Paddington rec, dogs roam, chasing squirrels and disturb wild life and dig out planted flowers and poo is everywhere 

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