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Need Help

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2022 4:15pm
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Posts: 1

Location: Stroud

Joined: 16 Apr 2022

I'm unsure if I'm doing the right thing, but we need help and I'm getting nowhere, through the normal channels. 

My family and I have recently moved into the Cashes Green area, having been offered a council house, after a year of being in emergency accommodation, it was a great relief to finally get the kids settled. 

Unfortunately, that relief was short lived. 

To give you a bit of background about myself. 

I have chronic respiratory disease and am operating on less than 26% lung volume. 

I'm prone to repeated infections which usually end up me being in a bad state in Gloucester Royal. 

This is where I am now. I had covid, then covid pneumonia and now pneumonia on both lungs with a variety of infections. 

All this damage, plus what I had previously means I'm in trouble. 

I'm stable at the moment, but if things aren't sorted at home, I won't be stable for long. 

We have two major problems stopping me from living with my wife and kids. 

Firstly, all the ancient plaster is coming off the walls, creating alot of dust. Obviously dust of that nature is a serious no, no with someone who has respiratory problems. 

All the rooms are affected, but so far the council has point blanked refused to repair and reskim the walls. 

I have had our OT on it, as well as the local Councillor and MP. They have all stressed the urgency of getting that house upto stratch. 

However all I get from the council are excuses after excuses, not to get the jobs done. 

The second problem we have, is only one toilet, which is upstairs. 

Stairs are a total disaster now, and so unless I was a prisoner upstairs, I wouldn't be able to use the toilet. 

As I said, the council are well aware of these issues, but I'm not getting anywhere, and neither are the people acting on our behalf. 

So now instead of concentrating on getting as good as I can be, I'm constantly stressed and worried that things like care packages etc won't be possible until the work is completed or at least underway. 

I'm perfectly happy to remain upstairs while a second toilet is done, but for me, the most important factor, is getting those walls done. 

I have even considered paying private and somehow recoup the money back from the council, through a court if necessary to get the work started. 

What's so frustrating, is that the length of time I have been in here, it could have been sorted by now. 

If there is anyone that can help, then please feel free to contact me. 

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