practice run's, clean up's, clean up's, practice run's, afternoon, afternoon, afternoon...... - Introduce yourselves in Kilburn - Kilburn forum in Greater London in the UK
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practice run's, clean up's, clean up's, practice run's, afternoon, afternoon, afternoon......

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2023 11:46pm
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...afternoon, afternoon, afternoon, pEople...alright, cool, have a, butcher's, and, pri, the, ting, pri, the, ting, have a, butcher's, and...alright, cool...bored, and, bored, and, *yawning *, half a, wake, half a, sleep, and, half a, wake, half a, wake, and, half a, sleep, yooooo...oiiiiiiii, mate, maaaate, blood, 2, 2's innit, swear down, swear down, boom, 

know the, drill, routine, procedure, 

boom, seen...seen..let...mE, just, make, the, time, go, quicker, still, and, yeah, for, 5 minute, 10, 15, 10, 15, 5 minute, still, and, yeah, let...mE, just, make, the, time, go, quicker, still, and, yeah, for, 5 minute, 10, 15, 10, 15, 5 minute, still, and, yeah, 2, 2's innit, swear down, mate, mate, geeze, yoooooo...oiiiiiiii, mate, maaaate, blood, dunno the, DUNno, YEAH, HEE, yo...yo, blood, mate, mate, geeze, yeah, YEH, nuthin mAJOr, minor, ting, still and, nuthin mAJOr, minor, ting, still, and, yeah, YEH, 

on a serious note, oN A sErious note, 

know the, drill, routine, procedure, 

get me mate, 

gentlemen, lady's, pEople,

apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, 

again, to, reiterate, to, repeat, reiteration's, reiteration's, to, reiterate, to, repeat, again, 

apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, about the, last couple of, about the, last couple of, post's, thread's, and, post's, and, thread's, and, last, couple of, month's, all year, late, last year, and, all year, and, late, last year, the, last, couple of, month's, and, apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, 

phone took a, drop, dropped, mobe's, phone, and, phone took a, drop, dropped, mobe's, phone, and, internet, page's, frozen, and, internet, page's, frozen, and, yeah, apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, pEople,

again, apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, yeah, YO, to reiterate, to repeat, reiteration's, reiteration's, and, to reiterate, to repeat, again, practice run's, clean up's, clean up's, practice run's, principle's, principle, ting, principle, ting, principle's, innit, man, a, man of peace, peacekeeper, peacekeeper, mediator, mediator, still, and, yeah, 

man, a, community man, community man, man, a, family man, family man, gentlemen, gentlemen, 

man, from, road, still, and, man, road, man, road, yeah, man, a, man of peace, man, a, man of respect, man, a, man of principle's, man, a, man of principle's, man, a, man of honour, man of respect, yeah, man, from, road, still, and, yeah, man, a, man of honour, man of peace, apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, 

practice run's, clean up's, clean up, ting, clean up, ting, clean up's, ignore this, still, and, yeah, ignore this, still, and, yes, yes, clean up's, clean up's, clean up, analogy, cleAn up, analogy, context, context, and, yeah, practice run's, apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, pEople,

gentlemen, lady's, pEople, 

alright, cool, regular schedule, and, regular schedule, ting..regular schedule, ting, regular schedule, and, natural, ting, still, and, natural, ting, still, and, man, a, man of peace, peacekeeper, peacekeeper, mediator, mediator, still, and, yeah, private citizen, private citizen, man spiritual, just, like, you, just, like, you, man spiritual, man, a, peace man, man, a, peace man, 

alright, cool, wha gwarn, wha gwarn, wha gwarn, wha gwarn, what's gOOd, what's gOOd, what's poPPin, what's going on, you cool, you cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, good, yOu good, the pEople good, the community good, the, community good, the, pEople good, yOu good, i'm good, i'M good, yeah...alright, cool, boom, pEople, evening, evening, evening, you all have a, good evEning, you all have a, good evEning...

bIG up,, ALL...the...roAD...creW, 

bIG up, all the kilburn crew, bIG up, ALL...the...kilburn high road crew, both side's of the high road, all the estate's, housing estate's, residential neighborhood's, aREa's, all three borough's, the borough of brent, the borough of camden, the borough of the city of westminster, bIG up, all kilburn resident's, all kilburn resident's, respect, respect, 

bIG up, all the, elder's, older's, younger's, older pEople, younger people, older pEople, younger people, retiree's, retiree's, 

on the dole, social, welfare, messed up, in life, looking to, get back on your feet now, and, looking work, living in, homeless hostel's, or homeless, or, homeless, bIG up, ALL...the homeless community, and, all the, homeless community...

...pEople, pEople, living in, homeless hostel's, on the dole, social, welfare, messed up, in life, looking to, get back on your feet now, and, looking work, 

starting up, running and, getting on and, poppin, your own businesses, operating, your own, businesses, starting up, running and, getting on and, poppin, your own businesses, operating, your own, businesses, single parent's, for example, single parent's, caught up in the, poverty trap, and, caught up in the, poverty trap, for example, keep your head high, and, keep your head above water, and, much success, and, much success, and, yeah, 

18 year's old and over, 18 year's old and over, 18 year's old and under, 18 year's old and under, 

bIG up, all the, couple's, couple's with kid's, a kid, yute's, a yute, pickney's, a pickney, seed's, a seed, children, a child, couple's with kid's, a kid, yute's, a yute, pickney's, a pickney, seed's, a seed, children, a child, couple's, single parent's, single parent's, singleton's, single's, families, families, singleton's, single's, 

your all the future, your all the future, the youth, all the youth, everyone and, everyone and, all communities, all communities, community, community, all the elder's, older's, the younger's, all the younger's, older's, the elder's, all communities, all communities, your all the future, your all the future, 

bIG up,, ALL...the...roAD...creW,

bIG up, ALL...the...kilburn high road crew, both side's of the high road, all the estate's, housing estate's, residential neighborhood's, aREa's, all three borough's, the borough of brent, the borough of camden, the borough of the city of westminster, all three borough's, all kilburn resident's, all kilburn resident's, respect, respect, 

bIG up, all the kilburn crew, all kilburnites, all kilburnites, 

bIG up, all the, london crew, north west, north weezy, north west, west, weezy, west, north, east, the east end, down sout, north, north west, north weezy, north west, east, and, the east end, and, down sout, and, west, weezy, west, and, and, bIG up, aĺl the, 33 borough's, all the, 33 borough's, bIG up, all the, london crew, all resident's, all londoner's, all londoner's, all resident's, bIG up, bIG up, 

bIG up, up north, that's my people's, that's my people's, respect, respect, concrete, concrete, bIG up, up north, and, yeah,

bIG up, the midland's, that's my people's, that's my people's, respect, respect, concrete, concrete, bIG up, the midland's, still, and, yeah,

bIG up, southern england, that's my people's, that's my people's, respect, respect, concrete, concrete, bIG up, southern england, and, yeah, 

bIG up, england, all the, wales crew, all the scotland crew, northern ireland, northern ireland, all the scotland crew, all the wales crew, england, 

all the worldwide crew, all the worldwide crew, man, a, proud, world citizen, man, a, proud, world citizen, man, local, locally, worldwide, proud, world citizen, proud, world citizen, worldwide, locally, man, local, man of peace, 

bIG up, all the, u.K crew, all the, u.K crew,

your all, your, all, black, white, brown, mixed race, king's, and, queen's, 

your all, your, all, black, white, brown, mixed race, king's, and, feminist, queen's,

yeah, it's all about them, positive, vibe's, still, and, it's all about them, positive, vibe's, still and, to uplift, is a gift, to uplift, is a gift, yeah, man of peace, yeah,

peace and unity, peace and unity, peace and unity, peace and u-ni-ty, peace and unity, peeeeaace and, YEH, respect, respect, concrete, concrete, authentic, authentic, yeah, all communities, all communities, yeah, everyone and, everyone and, everywhere and, everywhere and, yeah, local, locally, worldwide, worldwide, locally, local, community, community...guidance, and, guidance, and...

yeah, bIG up, bIG up, pEople, you all have a, good evEning, you all have a, good evEning...pEople...PEACE


Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2023 10:23pm


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Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2023 10:23pm

evening, evening, evening, evening, pEople, wha gwarn, wha gwarn, wha gwarn, wha gwarn, what's gOOd, what's gOOd, what's poPPin, what's going on, you cool, you cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, i  alway's be saying, as i alway's be saying, the, pEople good, the community good, the, community good, the, pEople good, yOu good, the, pEople good, the, community good, the, community good, the, pEople good, i'm good, i'M good, alright, cool...


...evening, evening, evening, evening, pEople, you all have a, good evEning, you all have a, good evEning, 

alright, cool, yeah, 

to uplift is a gift, upliftment's, uplifting, to uplift, to boost one's self esteem, boosting self esteem, to boost oneself, upliftment's,  self confidence, community, community,  everyone at there own pace's, everyone at there own pace's, 

practicing the most common sense, practicing the most common sense, 

within the most healthiest standard, within standard's, within the most healthiest standard, within standard's, 

all communities, all communities, 

everyone and, everyone and, everywhere and, everywhere and, local, locally, worldwide, worldwide, locally, local, community, community, peace and unity, peace and unity, community, community, everyone at there own pace's, everyone at there own pace's, community, community, 

self confidence, upliftment's, to boost oneself, boosting self esteem, to boost one's self esteem, uplifting, upliftment's, to uplift is a gift, 

as a, mAn of peace, peacekeeper, peacekeeper, mediator, mediator, still, and, yeah, as a, MAn of peace, 

practicing the moSt cOmmon sense, practicing the moSt cOmmon sENSe, as the bIGGEst goal, as the bIGGEst goal, as a principle, AS A PRIncipLE, 

practicing keepiNg the peace, practicing keEpiNg the peace, within the most healthiest standard, within standard's, within the most healthiest standard, within standard's, 

apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, pEople, about the, last couple of, month's and, about the, last couple of, month's and, yeah, phone took a, drop, and, phone took a, drop, and, internet, page's, frozen, internet, page's, frozen, and, and, apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, practice run's, clean up's, clean up's, practice run's, principle's, principle's, man, a, peacekeeper, peacekeeper, mediator, mediator, still, and, yeah, man, a, man of peace, community man, community man, family man, family man, man, a, man of peace,

pEople, you all have a, good evEning, you all have a, good evEning...guidance, and, guidance, and...PEACE,

alright, cool, boom..take a break, take a break,, soon come, soon come, done the talk, done the talk, talk done, talk done, let's go, 


Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2023 2:39am


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Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2023 2:39am

yeah, m.o, m.o, 

man, a, man of peace, man from road, man, a, man of respect, man, a, man of honour, man, a, man of principle's, man, a, man of principle's, show that respect, gentlemen, gentlemen, check in, man a, community man, community man, man, a, family man, family man, check in, we show that love, it's all good, it's all good, we show that love, show that respect, yeah, man, a, character, still and, man, a, character, still and, yeah, that's how we came up, peace and unity, 

bIG up, bridge, all the bridge crew, 

from when man was born the 5th of may 1979, at northwick park hospital, bIG up, all the northwick park hospital staff, and, bIG up, bIG up, respect, respect, from when man was born the 5th of may 1979, longlent's house, the 2nd floor, bIG up, all the, longlent's house crew, my younger bro, was born, september 22nd 1983, moved to, 38 mordaunt house, the third floor, bIG up, all the, 38 mordaunt house, crew, all the, nw10 crew, all the, nw10 crew, bIG up, bIG up, 

bridge, bIG up, stonebridge, the stonebridge estate, the stonebridge housing estate, the other side of, the hillside, the other side of, the, harrow road, bIG up, the, stonebridge park estate, bIG up, both side's of the, harrow road, the hillside,

the precinct, bIG up, the ramp, all the ramp crew, all the, donny's, and, elder's, posted up, talking there ting's, nonchalant, vibe's and, vibe's and, nonchalantly, not budging, reality, passing, by, not budging, vibe's and, vibe's and, that's was the, atmosphere, and, man, under, 10 year's old, now, and, older's, teen's, teen's, bolling through, chatting, buzing, there own, lyric's, and, it's a, toasting ting, vibe's and, vibe's and, but, zoned out, focused, in there own world, nonchalant, nonchalantly, bolling, down the ramp, and, the ramp, bridge, 

10 year's old, reach the laundrette, spar, the candy shop, rocky's, yeah, 

nuthin mAJOr, minor ting, still, and, 

bashment, deejay ting, symetrical, skill's, skill's, journalist ting, seen, seen, seen, seen, respect, respect, concrete, concrete, honOur... 

inner city london, peace and unity, record contract, record contract, hEE, *smirking type of giggle's*, get a job, *spud man in principle*, yeah, journalist ting, 

real quick, real quick, quick, quick, quick, quick...on a, serious note, on a, serious note, bIG up, all the record companies, shareholder's, cEo's, cEo's, shareholder's, bIG up, all the record companies, on a, serious note, on a, serious note, bIG up, bIG up, 

but yeah, YEAH, that's the, atmosphere, nonchalant, the late, 80's, bashment, local, international, rave, dance, electronic music, 

we can make it, get a job, subconscious, cerebral, a catalyst, a spark, think outside the box, subconscious, nonchalantly, and, nonchalant, get a job, entrepreneur, we can make it, still and, yeah, all communities, all communities, community, community, peace and unity, everyone and, everyone and, everywhere and, everywhere and, 

local, man local, locally, worldwide, man feel like man from everywhere, full stop, and, yeah, world citizen, world citizen, yeah, proud, proud, world citizen, proud, proud, world citizen, man feel like man from everywhere, full stop, and, authentic, authentic, world citizen, worldwide, locally, local, man local, yeah...hip hop, from, break dAncing, the, early, 80's, rapper's, mc's, man dem, ladies, doing there thing, bIG up, all the man dem, all the ladies, in the mid 80's, garm's, swag, that, wave, thought they were from bridge or sumthin, ha ha, bIG up, the u.s.A crew, bIG up, bIG up, peace and unity, community, community, everyone and, everyone and, everywhere and, everywhere and, local, locally, worldwide, worldwide, locally, local, 

all, black, white, brown, mixed race, king's and queen's, 

all, black, white, brown, mixed race, king's and, feminist, queen's,  

yeah, bIG up, all the, rocky's crew, bIG up, bIG up, community, community, all the, spar, crew, community, community, bIG up, bIG up, the candy shop, crew, community, community, the, laundrette, bIG up, bIG up, all, community, community, peace and unity, 

all the, elder's, older's, all the, donny's, younger's, younger's, all the, donny's, older's, elder's, retiree's, retiree's, 

that old school pub, boozer, opposite the precinct, that boozer, old school pub, opposite the precinct, bIG up, all the, landlord's, all the, landlord's, all the, punter's, and, and, all the, punter's, and, 

peace and unity, peace and unity, peace and unity, peace and u-ni-ty, peace and unity, peeeeaace and, YEH, respect, respect, all communities, all communities, everyone and, everyone and, everywhere and, everywhere and, community, community...your all, your, all, king's and queen's, your all, your, all, king's and, feminist, queen's...guidance, and...PEACE 

bIG up, all the bookies crew, your all, your, all, black, white, brown, mixed race, king's and, queen's, king's and, feminist, queen's, all crew, all crew, the, community, community, the police, bIG up, all the, police, community, community, peace and unity, bIG up, all the, community, community, peace and unity, all, white, black, brown, mixed race, mixed race, black, white, brown, king's and, queen's, king's and, queen's, community, community, peace and unity, 

bIG up, the precinct, 

stonebridge park, the astro turf, bIG up, the astro turf crew, stonebridge park, 

bIG up, evan davies nursery, all my age mate's, year group, all the, student's, staff, staff, and, all the student's, all, king's and, queen's, bIG up, bIG up..bIG up, evan davies nursery, respect, respect, bIG up..all, king's and, queen's, 

stonebridge, infant's, junior's, all the, student's, staff, and, my, age mate's, my, year group, older's, all the donny's, all the younger's, 

guidance, and, guidance...certain, time, 9 to 5 in it, road stress, and, lead's to that, light, 9 to 5 in it, road stress, and, lead's to that, light, that sign, certain, time, that light, light shine's, shine's, bright, like, light, that light, save yourself, and, that sign, a, catalyst, your the light, no funny bizness, and, keep your head high, and, keep your head above water, and, much success, and, much success, and, bIG up, bIG up, respect, respect, 

your all, your, all, black, white, brown, mixed race, king's and, queen's, 

all the, student's, year group, age mate's, all the older's, all the donny's, all the, younger's, all the, staff, 

your all, your, all, black, white, brown, mixed race, king's and, feminist, queen's, bIG up, bIG up, respect, respect, bIG up, stonebridge, infant's, junior's, the play centre, all the staff, social worker's, all the, social worker's, all the staff, all, king's and, queen's, bIG up, the play centre, 

bIG up, the whOle estate, thought it was a planet, coming up, bIG up, all the, community, all the, community, peace and unity, all communities, all communities, everyone and, everyone and, everywhere and, everywhere and, yeah, community, community, peace and unity, bIG up, all the, stonebridge housing estate, stonebridge estate, bridge, all the bridge crew, stonebridge, 

all the resident's, elder's, older's, younger's, older pEople, younger people, younger people, older pEople, elder's, older's, younger's, retiree's, retiree's, 

all the, couple's, couple's with kid's, couple's with kid's, couple's, single parent's, single parent's, singleton's, families, families, singleton's, 

all the, resident's, 

18 year's old and over, 18 year's old and over, 18 year's old and under, 18 year's old and under, 

bIG up, stonebridge, the stonebridge park estate, the whOle stonebridge housing estate, bIG up, the stonebridge estate, all the resident's, all the resident's, 

your all, your, all, black, white, brown, mixed race, king's and, queen's, 

your all, your, all, black, white, brown, mixed race, king's and, feminist, queen's, 

peace and unity, peace and unity, peace and unity, peace and u-ni-ty, peace and unity, peeeeaace and, YEH, respect, respect, concrete, concrete, all communities, all communities, everyone and, everyone and, everywhere and, everywhere and, local, locally, worldwide, worldwide, locally, local, community, community...guidance, and...PEACE 

my bad, my bad, pEople, practice run's, practice run's, clean up's, and, clean up's, and, principle's, principle's, 

man a, man of peace, peacekeeper, peacekeeper, yeah, mediator, mediator, still and, yeah, 

and, everyone and, everyone and, yeah, peace up, peace and unity, yeah, 

bIG up, kilburn, all the, kilburn crew, lived here, from, early, 2004, yeah, lived, here, from, early, 2004, and, yeah, 

man from bridge though, still, foundation, foundation, man from bridge though, still, 

lived in kilburn, lived in kilburn, lived here, from, 2004, yeah, lived, here, from, 2004, man feel like a, part of, the furniture, or sumthin, yeah, man feel like a, part of, the, furniture, or, sumthin, yeah, man from kilburn, man from kilburn, still and, yeah, 

from the, brent, side's of the kilburn high road, and, from the, brent, side's of the kilburn high road, 

bIG up, kilburn, bIG up, bIG up..bIG up,  kilburn, and, all three borough's, the borough of brent, the borough of camden, the borough of the city of westminster, all the resident's, all the resident's, the borough of brent, the borough of camden, the borough of the city of westminster, all three borough's, all kilburnites, all kilburnites, respect, respect, bIG up, bIG up, 

yeah, did, four's year's, in a, lower, middle class, suburb, calmed down, man can think, you, you can think, no disrespect, no funny bizness, no funny bizness, no disrespect, bIG up, all the west, all 6, 8, borough's, all the, west, hood man dem, lad's dem, suburb's man dem, bloke's dem, 6, 8, borough's, west, hood, chick's, suburb's gwal dem, ladette's, and, riding it in out, black, white, brown, mixed race, all, king's and queen's, king's and, feminist, queen's, peace and unity, all communities, all communities, everyone and, everyone and, everywhere and, everywhere and, community, community...guidance, and...PEACE, yeah, man, calmed down, moved, off, that, subconscious, man a, boss, but, me, but, third angled though bizness, and, gangbanging, mentality, subconsciously, yeah, circumstance, circumstance, yeah, lower, middle class, suburban household, still and, yeah, man, grateful, man, grateful, parent's saved my life, parent's saved my life, bIG up, my parent's, still and, yeah, bIG up, my parent's, still and, yeah, 

dad was, unemployed, during that, four year's, though, still, and, lost his, job, with, brent council, just before we reached, 

mumzy, was a, nurse, retired, 

both, both, retired, and, yeah, bIG em both up, bIG up, bIG up, 

man a, warehouse operative, retail, shop, floor, assistant, and, night shift, night shift, 

bIG up, all the, greenford crew, all the, 85, portland...cresent, crew, ub6 crew, ub6 crew, all the, 85, portland, crescent, crew, bIG up, the, borough of ealing, all the, west, london, crew, weezy, bIG up, west, london, all 6 boroughs, all 6 borough's, honourable mention, to the other 2, outer borough's, the 2 royal borough's, bIG up, those two, outer borough's, still and, yeah, the two royal borough's, represent, represent, seen...seen, yeah, bIG up, weezy, 8 borough's strong, yeah, it's all, tongue and cheek, and, having a, laugh, pulling leg, and, a'llow all the, gangbanging, road hype, bizness, and, all the, road hype bizness and, seen...yeah, man promote, it's all, about them, positive, vibe's, still, and, yeah, them one's there, innit, yeah, YEH, seen, wit me now, it's all, about them, positive, vibe's, still and, yeah, level's, level's...bIG up, all 8 borough's, bIG up, bIG up..bIG up, all the, greenford crew, dunno, dunno, more, universal, peacekeeper, z, worldwide, worldwide, in z, one and a, half year's, aswell and, aswell and, 

man spiritual, just, like, you, just, like, you, man spiritual, 

man a, man of peace, man a, peace man, man a, peace man, man a, man of peace, 

even more, even more, universal, peacekeeper, 

national phenomenon, national phenomenon, aside, aside, and, and, 

from when man was born the 5th of may 1979, from when man was born the 5th of may 1979, seen...seen, yeah, apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, man eccentric, man eccentric, still and, yeah, man a, man of peace, man a, man of peace,

bIG up, all the z crew, all the z crew, dunno the, duNNo, YEH, bIG up, bIG up...bIG up, all, the borough of ealing, still and, yeah, YEH, bIG up, bIG up, respect, respect, 

all crew, brown, white, mixed race, black, 

bIG up, all the man dem, all the gwal dem, 

brown, mixed race, white, black, all king's and queen's, 

all, king's and feminist, queen's, 

bIG up, all the man dem, all the lad's dem, all the bloke's dem, all the bloke's dem, all the lad's dem, all the gwal dem, all the, ladette's, all the, ladette's, yeah, all the, ladies, bIG up, all, the, ladies, all crew, respect, respect, 

hope everything sorted, and, nice and, nice, and, everything sorted, 

you good though, good to hear, good to hear, 

you good, your pEople good, your pEople good, i'm good, i'M good, yeah, 

everyone and, everyone and, dunno, dunno, respect, respect, everybody nice and, everybody nice, and, seen...YEAH, all communities, all communities, community, community, peace and unity, peace up, 

north, west, east, the east end, down sout, north west, north, out, east, and, and, the, east end...down sout...west, and, north, west, and, and, yeah, 

community, community, peace up, peace and unity, 

sis, empress, empress, black, white, brown, mixed race, white, mixed race, brown, 

all the black and beautiful ladies, all the black and beautiful ladies, 

all the ladies beautiful, all the ladies beautiful, 

slide through over here, real, quick, and, slide, through, over here, real, quick, and, 

ladies, ladies, 

18 year's old and over, 18 year's old and over, 

and, no disrespect, insinuation's, and, no insinuation's, and, no funny bizness, no funny bizness, no disrespect, yeah, 

bIG up, all the, ladies, still and, all the, ladies, still and, 

18 year's old and over, 18 year's old and over, 

ladies, ladies, upliftment's, upliftment's, yeah,

all the white and beautiful ladies, all the brown and beautiful ladies, all the mixed race and beautiful ladies, your all, beautiful ladies, your all, beautiful ladies, 

yeah, come on now, come on now, 

all the, mixed race and beautiful ladies, brown and beautiful ladies, white and beautiful ladies, white beautiful and pale skinned ladies, white beautiful and tanned skinned ladies, and, yeah, white beautiful and pale skinned ladies, white and beautiful and tanned skinned ladies, and, yeah, 

18 year's old and over, 18 year's old and over, 

all the same age range beautiful ladies, 

lovelies, lovelies, 

all the same age range beautiful ladies, 

all the, in there 20's, 30's, younger adult ladies, younger adult ladies, all the, in there 20's, 30's, younger adult ladies, younger adult ladies, 

all the, gorgeous, lovelies, all the, gorgeous, lovelies, 

all the, beautiful gorgeous milf's, all the beautiful gorgeous gilf's, and, yeah, all the, milf's, gilf's, gilf's, all the, milf's, all the, beautiful gorgeous gilf's, all the beautiful gorgeous milf's, 

all the single ladies, all the single ladies, 

18 year's old and over, 18 year's old and over, 

all the all the single ladies, all the single ladies,

all lovelies, your gorgeous, yeah, yo, darling, babes, sweetheart, yo, darling, sweetheart, babes,

black beautiful and dark skinned ladies, black beautiful and light skinned ladies, 

brown beautiful and dark skinned ladies, brown beautiful and light skinned ladies, and,

black, white, brown, mixed race and beautiful and light skinned ladies, black, white, brown, mixed race and beautiful and dark skinned ladies, yeah, 

ginger haired and beautiful ladies, beautiful ginger's ladies, and, yeah, 

black haired and beautiful ladies, 

beautiful, weaves, weaves, looking tight, looking tight, natural, natural, 

that, fly, ish, that wave, that drop's, that's hot, that's hot, that drop's, 

say nuthin, say no more, say no more, 

sis, you look good regardless, black, white, brown, mixed race, yeah, say nuthin, 

2, 2's, innit, swear down, reflex, rEflex, it's a given, it's a given, that'ts how it work's, sis, you look good regardless, seen...seen, yeah, 2, 2's, innit, swear down, yeah, 

or, natural, natural and beautiful haired ladies, 

all the short haired and beautiful ladies, 

all the bald and beautiful ladies, 

all the beautiful single sistren wit beautiful lock's, and, yeah...all the beautiful single sistren wit beautiful lock's, and, and, yeah, 

all the bald haired and beautiful ladies, 

all the short haired and beautiful ladies, and, and, them,

fly, ladies, and, fly, ladies, and, yeah, 

that fly, ish, that wave, them angle's, that drop's, that drop's, that's running it, still and, yeah, that's running it, still and, 

it don't matter, it don't matter, 

no matter, which, no, matter, which, race, colour, heterosexual ladies, bisexual ladies, lesbian ladies, or, tribe, 

no matter, which, no, matter, which, race, colour, heterosexual ladies, bisexual ladies, lesbian ladies, or, tribe, 

whether from, england, that's my people's, that's my people's, respect, respect, the u.K, 

wales, that's my people's, that's my people's, respect, respect, 

scotland, that's my people's, that's my people's, respect, respect, 

northern ireland, northern ireland, peace and unity, the u.K, 


western, that's my people's, that's my people's, respect, respect, 

southern, that's my people's, that's my people's, respect, respect, 

eastern, that's my people's, that's my people's, respect, respect, 

central, that's my people's, that's my people's, respect, respect, 

northern, that's my people's, that's my people's, respect, respect, 


the middle eastern region, the middle eastern region, peace and unity, peace and unity, 

central, south, far east asian communities, that's my people's, that's my people's, respect, respect, 

oceania, polynesia, that's my people's, that's my people's, respect, respect, 

north, that's my people's, that's my people's, respect, respect, 

west, that's my people's, that's my people's, respect, respect, 

east, that's my people's, that's my people's, respect, respect, 

central, that's my people's, that's my people's, respect, respect, 

southern africa, that's my people's, that's my people's, respect, respect, 

africa, that's my people's, that's my people's, respect, respect, 

the america's, that's my people's, that's my people's, respect, respect, 

canada, that's my people's, that's my people's, respect, respect,

the u.s.A, that's my people's, that's my people's, respect, respect, 

down south, that's my people's, that's my people's, respect, respect, 

the midwest, that's my people's, that's my people's, respect, respect, 

the west coast, that's my people's, that's my people's, respect, respect, 

the east coast, that's my people's, that's my people's, respect, respect, 

the east coast, down south, the midwest, the west coast, 

the u.s.A, that's my people's, that's my people's, respect, respect, 

the caribbean, english speaking,  espanol/spanish speaking, french speaking, dutch speaking, caribbean, that's my people's, that's my people's, respect, respect, 

central and south america, espanol/spanish speaking, portuguese speaking, english speaking, dutch speaking, french speaking, 

central and south america, that's my people's, that's my people's, respect, respect, 

the america's, that's my people's, that's my people's, respect, respect, 

again, to reiterate, to repeat, 

beauty is within the eye of the beholder, everyone is beautiful, everyone is beautiful, beauty is within the eye of the beholder, 

to repeat, to reiterate, again,

whether from, england, the u.K, wales, scotland, northern ireland, northern ireland, peace and unity, the u.K, 


western, southern, eastern, central, northern,


the middle eastern region, the middle eastern region, peace and unity, peace and unity, 

central, south, far east asian communities, 

oceania, polynesia, 

north, west, east, central, southern africa, africa, 

the america's, 


the u.s.A, 

down south, the midwest, the west coast, the east coast, 

the east coast, down south, the midwest, the west coast, 

the u.s.A, 

the caribbean, english speaking, that's my people's, that's my people's, respect, respect,  

espanol/spanish speaking, that's my people's, that's my people's, respect, respect,  

french speaking, that's my people's, that's my people's, respect, respect, 

dutch speaking, that's my people's, that's my people's, respect, respect, 

caribbean, that's my people's, that's my people's, respect, respect,  

central and south america, espanol/spanish speaking, that's my people's, that's my people's, respect, respect, 

portuguese speaking, that's my people's, that's my people's, respect, respect, 

english speaking, that's my people's, that's my people's, respect, respect, 

dutch speaking, that's my people's, that's my people's, respect, respect, 

french speaking, that's my people's, that's my people's, respect, respect, 

central and south america, that's my people's, that's my people's, respect, respect, 

the america's, that's my people's, that's my people's, respect, respect, 

local, locally, worldwide, in principle, in principle, worldwide, locally, local,

local, locally, worldwide, in principle, in principle, worldwide, locally, local, 

all the beautiful and blonde haired ladies, and, all the beautiful and brunette haired ladies, and, yeah, all the beautiful and ginger haired ladies, whew, whoa, that art, that, serenity, 

beautiful and brown eyed ladies, and, beautiful and blue eyed ladies, and, beautiful and green eyed ladies, and, yeah, hypnotic, that art, serene, that serenity, gorgeous, gorgeous, all lovelies, your all gorgeous, 

slim and beautiful ladies, slim and beautiful ladies with that certain type of unique shape, all the slim and beautiful ladies, and, 

beautiful athletic and toned physiqued ladies, all the beautiful athletic and toned physiqued ladies, respect, respect, 

all the, beautiful, big boned, ladies, thick, thick set, all the beautiful curvaceous ladies,  all the beautiful voluptuous ladies, curve's, curvy, and, curve's, curvy, beautiful hour glass shaped body ladies, all the beautiful hour glass shaped body ladies, all the, beautiful and big boned, ladies, thick, thick set, 

all the, bbw's, all the beautiful big women, all the beautiful big women, bbw's, 

beautiful larger sized ladies, all the, beautiful larger sized ladies, 

ssbbw's, super sized big and beautiful women, super sized big and beautiful women, ssbbw's, your all gorgeous, your all gorgeous, lovelies, lovelies, 

black, white, brown, mixed race, brown, mixed race, white, black, your all angel's, your all angel's, 

all, black, white, brown, mixed race, white, brown, mixed race, black, queen's, all, feMiniSt, queen's, bIG up, bIG up, respect, respect, 

ladies, upliftment's, upliftment's, ladies, 

yeah, community, community, 

be the best, black, white, brown, mixed race, king, that, you, can, be, 

be the best, black, white, brown, mixed race, king, that, you, can, be, 

aspire to inspire, aspire to inspire, 

optimism over pessimism, optimism over pessimism, 

peace and unity, peace up, gUn's dOwn, knife's dOwn, peace up, gUn's dOwn, knife's dOwn, 

all communities, all communities, community, community, peace and unity, 

everyone and, everyone and, everywhere and, everywhere and, local, locally, worldwide, in principle, in principle, worldwide, locally, local, peace and unity, community,'s a, peace ting, it's a, peace ting, it's a, peace movEment, reflex, rEflex, man a, man of peace, peacekeeper, peacekeeper, yeah, mediator, mediator, still and, yeah, man a, man of peace, principle's, principle's, check in, seen...seen, honour, 

bIG up, all the ladies, all the ladies, all the gentlemen, all the gentlemen, gentlemen ting, gentlemen ting, seen, 


Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2023 2:52am


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Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2023 2:52am

and, bIG up, all the, elder's, older's, all the younger's, older pEople, younger people, older pEople, younger people, all the, elder's, older's, all the younger's, 

bIG up, all the, couple's, couple's with kid's, a kid, yute's, a yute, pickney's, a pickney, seed's, a seed, a child, children, couple's with kid's, a kid, yute's, a yute, pickney's, a pickney, seed's, a seed, a child, children, couple's, single parent's, single parent's, singleton's, single's, families, families, singleton's, single's, 

18 year's old and over, 18 year's old and over, 18 year's old and under, 18 year's old and under, 

bIG up, bIG up, 



Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2023 6:04pm


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Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2023 6:04pm

m.o, m.o, 

yeah, the, manifesto, 

it's a, peace, ting, it's a, peace, ting, it's a, peace movEment, peace up, gUn's dOwn, knife's dOwn, 

local, locally, nationwide, worldwide, worldwide, nationwide, locally, local, 

in principle, in principle, 

peace up, gUn's dOwn, knife's dOwn, peace and unity, 

all communities, all communities, community, community, yeah, 

everyone and, everyone and, everywhere and, everywhere and, yeah, 

worldwide, worldwide, 

in principle, in principle, 

peace and unity, community, community, 

man, a, man of peace, peacekeeper, peacekeeper, mediator, mediator, still, and, yeah, 

check in, 

all communities, all communities, everyone and, everyone and, everywhere and, everywhere and, man, local, 

proud, black british, proud, european, proud, english, born and raised londoner, 44 year's old, z ethnic origin, proud, african, root's, parent's from z, man, spiritual, just, like, you, just, like, you, man, spiritual, parent's spiritual, love everyone, love everyone, aswell, and, aswell, and, yeah, parent's spiritual, 

(shout out to, 

all the, 

j.A community, all the, inner city london crew, all the, london, suburb's, crew, all the cockney community, all the indigenous english community, all the migrant english multicultural communities, all english, all english, all the u.s.A community, z, african communities, caribbean communities, 

bIG up, bIG up, respect, respect, bIG influence, bIG influence on man, bIG influence on man, bIG influence, and, with, all respect due, and, with, all respect due, 

big shout out, to, all the, 

j.A community, all the, inner city london crew, all the, london suburb's crew, all the cockney community, all the indigenous english community, all, king's, and, queen's, all, king's and, feminist, queen's, all the migrant english multicultural communities, all english, all english, all the u.s.A community, z, african communities, all the caribbean communities, bIG up, bIG up, 

m.o, m.o, 

level's, level's, 

man, kNow's the, coup, and, man...knOw's, what, time, it, is, aswell and, aswell and, still and, yeah, show that respect, foundation, ting, foundation, ting, setting's, that's how the ting set, show that respect, setting's)

dad's a, proud, uk citizen, english, black british, european, african, z, tumbuka, man, 

man, a, tumbuka, man, still, aswell, and, yeah, 

mumzy, a proud, uk citizen, english, black british, european, z, african, bemba, lady, 

man, a, bemba, man, still, aswell, and, 

yeah, proud, world citizen, worldwide, locally, local, man, local, locally, worldwide, proud, world citizen, feel, like, man, from, everywhere, and, yeah, bare, proud, bare, proud, in principle, in principle, man, a, cultural connoisseur, yeah, man, a, cultural connoisseur, and, and, yeah, feel, like, man, from, everywhere, proud, world citizen, worldwide, locally, man, local, 

all communities, all communities, everyone and, everyone and, everywhere and, everywhere and, 

local, locally, worldwide, worldwide, locally, local, community, community, 

peace and unity, peace and unity, peace and unity, peace and u-ni-ty, peace and unity, peeeeaace and, YEH, respect, respect, concrete, concrete, community, community...pEople, it's a, peace, ting, it's a, peace, ting, it's a, peace movEment, 

practicing building communities, practicing building communities, 

the, manifesto, manifest peace, peace and unity, peace and unity, 

all communities, all communities, 

everyone and, everyone and, everywhere and, everywhere and, 

local, locally, worldwide, worldwide, locally, local, community, community, peace and unity, peace and unity, manifest peace, 

peacekeeper, peacekeeper, mediator, mediator, still, and, yeah, man, a, man of peace...pEople...guidance, and, guidance, all have a, good evEning, you all have a, good evEning...pEople...PEACE

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Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2023 4:56am


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Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2023 4:56am

check in, seen...seen...yeah, honour...

apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, apologie's pEople, my bad, my bad, yeah, 

man a, man of peace, 

all communities, all communities, everyone and, yeah, everyone and, everywhere and, everywhere and, yeah, 

man local, local, locally, worldwide, man a, yeah, man a, proud, world citizen, man a, proud, world citizen, worldwide, locally, local, man local, 

all communities, all communities, everyone and, everyone and, everywhere and, everywhere and, community, community, peace up, peace and unity, peacekeeper, peacekeeper, mediator, mediator, still and, yeah, 

it's all about the, younger's still and, the younger's are the future, the younger's are the future, it's all about the, younger's, still and, everyone and, everyone and, 

everyone, everyone, 

everywhere, everywhere, 

local, worldwide, worldwide, local, 

with the utmost respect, respectfully, humbly, humbly, respectfully, with the utmost respect, 

everyone's the future, everyone's the future, yeah, 

community, community, 

local, locally, worldwide, worldwide, locally, local, 

everyone and, everyone and, everywhere and, everywhere and, 

local, locally, worldwide, worldwide, locally, local,

yeah, born the 5th of may 1979 5.5.79 proud 100% heterosexual spiritual man of peace organically biologically genetically medically scientifically spiritual spiritually, man of peace, 

born the 5th of may 1979, 5.5.79 proud 100% heterosexual spiritual man of peace organically biologically genetically medically scientifically spiritual spiritually, man of peace

no hole's in the script, and nuthin to hide, and, no hole's in the script, and, nuthin to hide, 

and, no funny bizness, no disrespect, no insinuation's, no misconception's, no misunderstanding's, no miscontruity's, no contradiction's, no contradiction's, no miscontruity's, no misunderstanding's, and, no misconception's, yeah, and, no insinuation's, no disrespect, and, no funny bizness,

and, bIG up, all the, lgbtq community, all the, lgbtq community, bIG up, bIG up, local, locally, worldwide, worldwide, locally, local, bIG up, bIG up, bIG up, all the, lgbtq community, all the, lgbtq community, bIG up, bIG up, 

man a, man of peace, 

personality, cultural connoisseur, neutral, colour blind, man a, artist, that art, appreciate that art, man rhythmic, man a, artist, still and, yeah, man artistic, man local, locally, worldwide, world citizen, man a, community man, community man, man a, family man, man a, family man, 

all communities, all communities, everyone and, everyone and, everywhere and, everywhere and, local, locally, worldwide, worldwide, locally, local, community, community, 

mentality, man of peace, peacekeeper, peacekeeper, mediator, mediator, still and, yeah, man a, peace man, man a, peace man, man spiritual, 

manifest peace, 

journey's, experience's, reference's, palette, journey's, experience's, reference's, palette, 

man a, man of peace, 

personality, cultural connoisseur, neutral, colour blind, man a, artist, that art, appreciate that art, man rhythmic, man a, artist, still and, yeah, man artistic, man local, locally, worldwide, world citizen, man a, community man, community man, man a, family man, man a, family man, 

mentality, man of peace, peacekeeper, peacekeeper, mediator, mediator, still and, yeah, man a, peace man, man a, peace man, man spiritual, 

manifest peace, 

from 5.5.79, national phenomenon, national phenomenon, aside, aside and, and,

from 5.5.79, national phenomenon, national phenomenon, aside, aside, and, and, every incident and, every incident, and so on, and, so on, aside, aside, and, and, that's, obviously, obvious, obvious, obviously, national phenomenon, national phenomenon, aside, aside, and, and, so on and, so on, and, for example, 

portal's, hologram room's, hologram room's, portal's, neutral, spiritual automated device's, neutral, spiritual automated device's, neutral, replicated, replicated, for example, 

within, different, and, everyone and, everyone and, within, different, for example, 

time shift's, time delay's, time relay's, individually, individually, everyone and, everyone and, time shift's, stand still situation's, and, stand still situation's, and, time delay's, time shift's, time correlation's, time correlation's, time continum's, time continum's, time delay's, time shift's, time relay's, time continum's, for example, 

eccentric, eccentric, for example, and made up, MADE up, analogy, analogy, context, context, for example, random, random, ok, ok...random, random, force field's, force field's, for example, and, obvious, obviously, obviously, obvious  made up, MADE up, analogy, analogy, context, context, 

and so on, and so on, national phenomenon, national phenomenon, aside, aside, and, and,  

apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, pEople, 

with the utmost respect, respectfully, humbly, humbly, respectfully, with the utmost respect, 

man eccentric, man eccentric, apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, pEople,  man a, man of peace, man a, man of peace, 

stay spiritual, stay spiritual, 

journey's, experience's, reference's, palette, 

personality, mentality, man a, man of peace, peacekeeper, peacekeeper, mediator, mediator, still, and, 

gentlemen, etiquette, manner's, humble, humble, manner's, etiquette, gentlemen, 

private citizen, private citizen, man spiritual, just, like, you, just, like, you, man spiritual, 

man a, peace man, community man, community man, man a, family man, family man, man a, peace man, 

practicing the most common sense, practicing the most common sense, 

within the most healthiest standard, within standard's, within the most healthiest standard, within standard's, 

practicing keeping the peace, practicing keeping the peace, peacekeeper, peacekeeper, mediator, mediator, still and, yeah, 

like a, like a, health and safety, all communities, 

bosses, worker's, civilian's, soldier's, peace negotiator's, peacekeeper's, peacekeeper's, peace negotiator's, soldier's, civilian's, worker's, bosses, 

all communities, health and safety, protection, protection, for example, 

imagining it, coincidence, for eternity, for example, 

practicing building communities, 

is immoral, is immoral, 

covering everything, all element's, balance's, balance's, for example, 

all element's, for example, 

covering everything, 

a, neutral, stand, still, situation, for example, a, neutral, stand, still, situation, for example, 

real time, first time, real time, first time, obviously, and obvious, and obvious, obviously, not responsible for any event, incident, not responsible for any event, incident, 

previously, previously, chronologically, historically, chronologically, historically, 

for example, and, obvious, obviously, obviously, obvious, for example, 

slavery, colonialism, imperialism, and, slavery, colonialism, imperialism, and, all other incidents, event's, and, all other incident's, event's, 

previously, previously, chronologically, historically, chronologically, historically, throughout earth's history, throughout earth's history, for example, 

and, apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, eccentric, eccentric, and, obvious, obviously, obviously, obvious, and, 

apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, pEople, 

and no funny bizness, no disrespect, no insinuation's, no miscontruity's, no misconception's, no misunderstanding's, no misunderstanding's, no misconception's, no miscontruity's, no insinuation's, no disrespect, no funny bizness, and, for example,

within time shift's, edit room's, illusion room's, hologram green edit room's, hologram green edit room's, illusion room's, edit room's, within time shift's, 

like a, like a, health and safety, all communities, all communities, health and safety, protection, protection, operation, operation, for example, 

imagining it, coincidence, for eternity, for example, 

practicing building communities, 

is immoral, is immoral, 

covering everything, all element's, balance's, balance's, for example, 

all element's, for example, 

covering everything, 

a, neutral, stand, still, situation, for example, a, neutral, stand, still, situation, for example, 

like a, monitor, or, private investigator, for example, or sumthin, monitoring, national phenomenon, national phenomenon, aside, aside, and, and, monitoring the proceeding's, or, private investigating, national phenomenon, national phenomenon, aside, aside, and, and, 

like a, monitor, or, private investigator, for example, or sumthin, monitoring, national phenomenon, national phenomenon, aside, aside, and, and, monitoring the proceeding's, or, private investigating, national phenomenon, national phenomenon, aside, aside, and, and, 

like a, health and safety, like a, health and safety, all communities, all communities, protection, protection, operation, operation, 

like a, health and safety operation, like a, health and safety operation, 

neutral, neutral, a innocent automated messages in reverse 100%...a innocent automated messages in reverse 100%, 

spiritual barometer, all communities, health and safety, security, admin, protocol level's, 

spiritual barometer, all communities, health and safety, security, admin, protocol level's, 

device's, device's, for example, 

running tape's, running tape's, for eternity, for eternity, for example,

for, all communities, all communities, everyone and, everyone and, everywhere and, everywhere and, local, locally, worldwide, worldwide, locally, local, for, all communities, all communities, 

community, community, peace and unity, 

practicing building communities, 

practicing the most common sense, 

within the most healthiest standard, within standard's, within the most healthiest standard, within standard's, 

practicing the most common sense, 

practicing building communities, 

community, community, peace and unity, and, 

principle's, principle's, and, and, protocol level's, and, protocol level's, yeah, for example, 

a made up, made up, analogy, analogy, context, context, for example, 

yeah, man, making a point, apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, man, making a point, don't watch that, still and, yeah, don't watch that, still, and, yeah, 

the community alway's come's first, the community alway's come's first, 

alway's, alway's, 

a quote, a quote, 

the good of the many, outweigh the, good of the, one, the good of the many, outweigh the, good of the, one,

positive values universal, positive values universal, everyone at there own pace's, everyone at there own pace's, 

within the most healthiest standard, within standard's, within the most healthiest standard, within standard's, 

practicing the most common sense, practicing the most common sense, 

within the most healthiest standard, within standard's, within the most healthiest standard, within standard's, 

take a break, stasis, stasis, take a break, medicine, spiritual, medicine, spiritual, for example, 

vegetative state's, vegatative state's, for example, 

health and safety, within the most healthiest standard, within standard's, within the most healthiest standard, within standard's, health and safety, 

clean, up, all, kid's section's, clean, up, all, kid's section's, for example, 

the, abstract, source, balance, parent, principle, the, abstract, source, balance, parent, principle, has been found, has been found, 

utopian values, utopian, vision's, utopian, principle's, have been reached, utopian values, utopian, vision's, utopian, principle's, have been reached, 

clean, up, all, kid's section's, clean, up, all, kid's section's, for example, 

all kid's, all kid's, 

everyone at there own pace's, everyone at there own pace's, 

all communities, all communities, community, community, peace and unity, peace and unity, 

for eternity, for eternity, for example, 

yeah, a, made up, made up, analogy, analogy, context, context, for example, yeah,

man eccentric, man eccentric, man a, man of peace, man a, peacekeeper, peacekeeper, mediator, mediator, still and, yeah, man a, man of peace, 

from late, 2018, from late, 2018, 

on and, off, sporadic, throughout, 2019, on and, off, sporadic, throughout, 2019, 2020, on and, off, on and, off, 2020, late, 2020, a bit, more, late, 2020, a bit, more, 2021, more on and, off, 2021, more on and, off, 2022, less, 2022, less, 2023, 2023, apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, pEople, 

still, sounding, like, i've, got a, cOld, or, sumthin, or, sumthin, or, national phenomenon, national phenomenon, aside, aside, and, and, 

man's still, got a, cOld, or sumthin, or, sumthin, national phenomenon, national phenomenon, aside, aside, and, and, bant's, baNter, aside, aside, 

man still, got a, cOld, or sumthin, or, sumthin, national phenomenon, national phenomenon, aside, aside, and, and, yeah, 

still, sounding, like, i've, got, a, cOld, or, sumthin, or, sumthin, national phenomenon, national phenomenon, aside, aside, and, and, bant's, baNter, bant's, baNter, aside, aside, and, and, yeah, YEH, 

on a, serious note, on A serious note, 

enERgy level' level's, and, with the, utmost respect due, and, with, the, utmost respect due, 

bant's, banter, bant's, banter, aside, aside, and, and, national phenomenon, national phenomenon, or sumthin, or, sumthin, aside, aside, and, and,

on a serious note, on a serious note, 

it's all about, doing a, couple of, press up's, doing a, couple of, rep's, on a treadmill, yeah, it's all about, doing a, couple of, press up's, doing a, couple of, rep's, on a treadmill, yeah, 

on a serious note, on a serious note, 

man need to, take a, rest, and, man need to, take a, rest, and, go sleep, go sleep, yeah, 

on a serious note, on a serious note, 

it's, all about, it's, all about, 

practicing the most common sense, practicing the most common sense, 

within the most healthiest standard, within standard's, within the most healthiest standard, within standard's, 

as the biggest goal, as the biggest goal, 

as a principle, as a principle, 

practicing keeping the peace, practicing keeping the peace, 

as a, man of peace, as a, man of peace, 

peacekeeper, peacekeeper, mediator, mediator, still and, yeah, 

apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, yeah,

apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, pEople, 

all communities, all communities, for example, for example, 

everyone and, everyone and, everywhere and, everywhere and, 

man local, local, locally, worldwide, man a, proud, world citizen, yeah, man a, proud, world citizen, worldwide, locally, local, man local, community, community, peace up, peace and unity, peace and unity, peace up, community, community, pEople, you all have a, good morning, you all have a, good moRning...guidance, and...pEople...PEACE 

alright, boom, take a break, take a break, alright, cool, cool, boom, and, random, random, yo, apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, bIG up, the, 4 r crew, in principle, in principle, bIG up, bIG up, PEACE...alright, cool, boom, in a bit, in a bit...


Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2023 6:53am


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Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2023 6:53am


Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2023 1:18am


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Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2023 1:18am

evening, evening, evening, pEople...

...wha gwarn, wha gwarn, wha gwarn, wha gwarn, what's gOOd, what's gOOd, what's poPPin, what's going on, you cool, you cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, good, yOu good, the pEople good, the community good, the,  community good, the pEople good, yOu good, i'm good, i'M good...alright, cool...


quick ting, quick ting, make the, tiMe, go, quicker still and, yeah, bored and, bored and, yawning bizness, and, just, woke, up, just, woke, up, yeah, alright, cool..alright, boom...have a, butcher's, pri, the, ting, and, pri, the, ting, and, have a, butcher's, and...make the, time, go, quicker, still and, yeah...yoooooo...oiiiiiiiiiiii, mate, maaaate, blood, man, just, just, zOning, out like, get me mate, get me blood, YEAH, YEH, HEE..yeah, just, zONing, out, like, AS YOU DO, mate, mate, geeze, blood, brOski, fella, YO, *ha ha*, *giggle's, giggle's*,, just, woke, up, yeah, man, just, woke, up, yeah, dunno the, DUNno, yeah, seen...seeeeeen, yeah, nuthin mAJOr, minor ting, still and, yeah, YEH, nuthin mAJOr, minor ting, still and, yeah, 

on a serious note, oN A sErious note, 

boom, apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, practice run's, clean up's, clean up ting, clean up ting, clean up's, practice run's, yeah, ignore this, still and, yeah, ignore this, still and, practice run's, clean up's, clean up ting, clean up ting, clean up's, practice run's, clean up aNalogy, cleAn uP aNAlogy, context, context, and, yeah, apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, pEople, 

know the, drill, routine, procedure, again, to, reiterate, to repeat, reiteration's, reiteration's, to, reiterate, to repeat, again, principle's, principle's, principle ting, principle ting, man a, man of peace, peacekeeper, peacekeeper, mediator, mediator, still and, yeah, man a, family man, community man, community man, man a, family man, still and, yeah, man a, peacekeeper, peacekeeper, mediator, mediator, still and, yeah, private citizen, private citizen, man spiritual, just, like, you, just, like, you, man spiritual, man a, peace man, peace man, man a, man of peace, yeah, man local, from early, 2004, yeah, from, early, 2004, still and, yeah, feel like, a, part, of, the, furniture, or, sumthin, *goofy, face, peace, sign*,  YEAH, *serious, goofy, face?, ding, the light, ding, goofy, strait, face, sign*, *sneaky, grin's*, yeah, man, feel, like, a, part, of, the, furniture, or, sumthin, yeah, bIG up, kilburn, kilburn, kilburn, kilburn, bIG up kilburn, all,  three, borough's, and, all three borough's, borough of brent, the, borough of camden, the borough of westminster, yeah, 

know the, drill, routine, procedure, yeah, man from road, still and, yeah, man from bridge, from when man was born the 5th of may 1979, 5.5.79, from early, yeah, foundation, ting and, foundation, ting and, yeah, i hear you, i hear you, still and, yeah, keep it real, keep it real, keep it trill, keep it trill, keep it authentic, keep it authentic, seen...angled, seen, man from road, still and, yeah, i hear you, i hear you, still and, yeah, man a, man of respect, man a, man of honour, man a, man of peace, 

raised, neutral, raised, colour blind, seen...seen, raised, colour blind, raised, neutral, yeah, 

bIG up, both of my parent's, still and, yeah, bIG up, both of my parent's, still and, yeah, best parent's ever, still and, yeah, best parent's ever, best parent's ever, still and, yeah, and, just, like, your parent's, and, just, like, your parent's, and, yeah, are the best parent's ever, are the best parent's ever..yeah, aswell and, yeah, parent's, love everyone, and, aswell and, yeah, and, neutrally, neutrally, yeah, they show that love, they show that love, still and, yeah, parent's, love everyone, aswell and, yeah, and, parent's is wise, and, dad's the wisest person i know, and, yeah, mum's the wisest lady i know, and, aswell and, be proud of your parent's, still and, yeah, be proud of your parent's, still and..yeah,

100%, 100%, no hole's in the script, with nuthin to hide, and, yeah, no hole's in the script, and, no hole's in the script, and, yeah, 

proud of my parent's, proud of my parent's, my parent's are spiritual people, and, yeah, parent's is wise, and, parent's are spiritual people, and, yeah, and yo, 

no funny bizness, and, no insinuation's, no disrespect, no disrespect, no insinuation's, no funny bizness, yeah, for example...

man, eccentric, got eccentricities, got generalities, got generalities, got eccentricities, man, eccentric, man a, man of peace, national phenomenon, national phenomenon, aside, aside, and, and, yeah, for example, 

stay spiritual, stay spiritual, 

yeah, basically, basically, boom, 

from when man was born the 5th of may 1979, 5.5.79, from, early, still and, yeah, from bridge, born northwick park hospital, bIG up, all the staff, and, yeah, shout out to all the staff, all doctor's and nurse's do a good job, yeah, all doctor's and nurse's do a good job, and, yeah, bIG up, bIG up, respect, respect, yeah, from longlent's house till 1983, the 2nd floor..when my younger bro was born september the 22nd of 1983, 22.9.83, bIG up, all the, longlent's house, crew, and, bIG up, bIG up, bIG up, all the, 2nd floor, crew, and, yeah, 38 mordaunt house, till, late, 1990, younger sis was born the 30th of september 1989, and, yeah, 

bIG up, my younger sis, still and, mY sista that, still and, yeah, mY bredrin that, still and, yeah, daughter, daughter, our boss for life, and, yeah, our boss for life, and, yeah, keep your head above water, and, keep your head high, and, much success, much success, with the, job's, and, ting and, ting and, yeah, don't watch that, still and, yeah, you reppin, you reppin, don't watch that, still and, yeah, rep barnsley, to the fullest, west, london, weezy, barnsley, barnsley, weezy, west, london, yeah, rep barnsley, to the fullest, and, yeah, much success, much success, with the, job's, and, ting and, ting and, yeah, bIG up, bIG up, YEH, get me blood, in principle, in principle, obviously, and, obvious, obvious ting, obvious ting, obvious, obviously, and, yeah, PEACE, 

bIG UP, my younger bro, still and, yeah, mY brudda that, blood, stay out of trouble, and, yeah, for example, for example, stay out of prison, and, yeah, stay, strong, and, yeah, stay, strong, and, stay out of trouble, and, yeah, stay out of prison, for example, and, keep your head above water, and, keep your head high, and, much success, and..much success, and, yeah, with the, job's, and, ting and, ting and, yeah, stay spiritual, stay spiritual, guidance, and, blood, broski, bruv, love you bro, love you sis, bro, sis, bIG up, bIG up, PEACE, 

bIG up, both my parent's, still and, yeah, bIG up, both my parent's, still and, yeah, bIG up, bIG up, all my parent's, all my parent's, and, with the utmost respect, respectfully, humbly, humbly, respectfully, with the utmost respect, 

and, yeah, bIG up, all the, 38 mordaunt house, crew, and, bIG up, bIG up..

bIG up, all my, blood family, still and, yeah, bIG up, all my, blood family, still and..yeah, YEH, bIG up, all my, spiritual family, all my, spiritual family, and, with the utmost respect, respectfully, humbly, humbly, respectfully, with the utmost respect, 

yeah, bIG up, bridge, still and, yeah, man from road, still and, yeah, man a, roadman, man hood, man hood, yeah, man a, roadman, still and, yeah, man a, man of respect, man a, man of principle's, and, yeah, man a, man of principle's, still and, yeah, man a, man of honour, man a, gentlemen, gentlemen, still and, yeah, man a, peacekeeper, peacekeeper, mediator, mediator, still and, yeah, man a, man of peace, 

yeah, man local, man local, still and, yeah, bare proud, bare proud, yeah, 

all, pulling leg, having a, laugh, and, sense of humour, and, having a, laugh, and, pulling leg...yeah, sense of humour, aside and, aside and, yeah, man, really and truly now, at the end of the day now, basically, at the end of the day now, really and truly now, basically, man, man, repped kilburn, repped kilburn, from early, 2004, still and, yeah, lived in, kilburn, lived in, kilburn, from, early, 2004, and, yeah, bIG up, all the kilburn, crew, all three borough's, all three borough's, bIG up, ALL...the kilburn, crew, and, yeah, man, feel like, a, man, feel like, a, apart of the, furniture, still and, yeah, man, feel like, a, man, feel like, a, apart of the, furniture, still and, yeah, bIG up, all the kilburn crew, all kilburnites, all kilburnites, all the kilburn crew, shout out to, the borough of barnet, the borough of kensington and chelsea, the borough of hammersmith and fulham, the borough of islington, bIG up, bIG up..bIG up, the borough of brent, the borough of camden, the borough of westminster, north, west, north weezy, north, west, london, the borough of harrow, west, weezy, west, london, the borough of ealing, bIG up, bIG up, bIG up, all the, greenford, crew, and, 85 portland cresent, greenford, ub6, all the, portland cresent, crew, all the, crew, all the, ellesmere road, crew, mansell road, all the, allanby road, crew, yeah, all the dormer's well's, crew, link's crew, all the, gate, crew, and, all the, southall, crew, and, all the, havelock estate, crew, and, yeah, YEH, dunno, dunno, nuff respect, nuff respect, respect concrete, respect concrete, 

man, spiritual, just, like, you, just, like, you, man, spiritual, 

come on now, come on now, 

yeah, pEople, 

stay spiritual, stay spiritual, 

for example, for exAmple, 

yeah, man, neutral, man spiritual, man spiritual, man, neutral, man a, man of peace, peacekeeper, peacekeeper, mediator, mediator, still and, yeah, man a, man of peace, 

bIG up, bIG up, all, crew, all, crew, man, humble, man, humble, touch road, keep it real, keep it trill, angled, honOur...keep it, authentic, keep it, clear, yeah, man a, clean up, man, for example, and, ting and, ting and, 

yeah, it's a, peace ting, it's a, peace ting, still and, yeah, m.o, m.o, it's a, peace movEment, reflex, rEflex, personality, mentality, man of peace, peacekeeper, peacekeeper, mediator, mediator, still and, yeah, it's all about them positive vibe's, and, still and, yeah, 

national phenomenon, national phenomenon, aside, aside, and, and, from 5th of may 1979, from the 5th of may 1979, aside, aside, and, and, yeah, for example, for exAmple,

man a, gentlemen, still and, yeah, man of peace, man of peace, man spiritual, just, like, you, just, like, you, man spiritual, yeah, man a, gentlemen, still and, yeah, the, manifesto, personality, mentality, the m.o, the m.o, from, late, 2018, from, late, 2018, manifest peace...peacekeeper, peacekeeper, mediator, mediator, still and, yeah, 

the, resume, repertoire, etiquette, manner's, gentlemen, gentlemen, still and, yeah, manner's, etiquette, a, gentlemen, still and, yeah, 

might get it, twisted, misconstrued, misconstruity, misunderstanding, misunderstood, man, slipping, for example, yeah, 

no funny bizness, and, no insinuation's, and, no disrespect, no disrespect, no insinuation's, no funny bizness, 

no miscontruity's, no misconception's, no misunderstanding's, no contradiction's, no stereotype's, no disrespect, no funny bizness, no funny bizness, no disrespect, no stereotype's, no contradiction's, no misunderstanding's, no misconception's, no miscontruity's, 

yeah, man a, man of peace, peacekeeper, peacekeeper, mediator, mediator, still and, yeah, man a, peace man, peace man, all communities, all communities, everyone and, everyone and, everywhere and, everywhere and, local, locally, worldwide, proud, world citizen, yeah, every, homeless hostel's, housing estate's, housing project's, favela's, barrio's, housing scheme's, housing compound's, township's, trailer park's, working class, housing association, social, council housing, hood's, endz, bit's, manor's, and, lower middle class, middle class, upper middle class, suburban economic residential neighborhood's, aREa's, endz, bit's, manor's, the suburb's, upper class, economic residential neighborhood's, aREa's, hood's, rich, endz, and, all economic residential neighborhood's, private apartment building complexes, condo's, condominium's, riverside apartment's, every, geographical region, postcode, zipcode, borough, village, town, city, regional region, county, state, country, continent, proud, world citizen, in principle, in principle, man, nonchalant, yeah, man, nonchalant, yeah, zoning, out, like, yeah, minding my own bizness, and, minding my own bizness, and...yeah, keeping it moVing, and, yeah, keeping it moVing, yeah, man of peace, peacekeeper, peacekeeper, mediator, mediator, still and, yeah, in my own, world, and, in my own, world, and, just, zOning, out like, man a, man of peace, worldwide, locally, local, all communities, all communities, everyone and, everyone and, everywhere and, everywhere and, yeah, every neighbourhood, and, every neighbourhood, and, every prison, every prison, everyone and, everyone and, everywhere and, everywhere and, all communities, all communities, community, community, peace up, peace and unity, community, community, peace up, gUn's dOwn, knife's dOwn, knife's dOwn, gUn's dOwn, peace up, peace and unity, community community, touch road, touch road, man a, man of peace, man, nonchalant, *head, nod's*, man nonchalant, *head, nod's *, *spud's*, peace and unity, community, community, peace up, peace and unity, "elder's...good moRning"...ha ha, "bossman, mate, your a beautiful couple (bossman and his missus or his lady friend, yeah), you have a, good moRning...PEACE"..."moRning, moRning"...*head, nod's*..."yes, yes...*head, nod's*...ha ha, nice one, mate, geeze, ha ha, blood..blood, ha ha, topman, topman, say no more, say nO more, *giggles*, *spud's*, got joke's, got joke's, *grin's, peace, sign*..yo, mate..geeze, respect, yeah..yeah, brOski, you have a, goOd moRning..yeah, respect...PEACE"..."wha gwarn, wha gwarn, wha gwarn, wha gwarn, you good, *spud's*, good to hear, good to hear, good to hear, seen...seen, love that, love that..good to hear, still and, yeah, respect..mY brudda...yOu good, the pEople good, the community good, the, community good, the pEople good, yOu good, i'm good, i'M good..yeah, alright, cool, dunno, dunno, respect, yeah...YEH..yo, blood, *spud's*, keep your head above water, and, keep your head high, and, guidance, and, you have a, goOd moRning, and, yeah, respect, respect...YEH...PEACE"...*head, nod's *..."nice one, mate, maaaate, *spud's*, geeze, *giggles*, say no more, say no more, have a, goOd day at work, and, yeah, geeze, you have a, goOd moRning, respect, yeah..cheer's...yo, bruv, guidance, and..yeah, come on now, come on now..*spud's*..respect, respect...PEACE"..."moRning"...*head, nod's*......"yo, younger's, wha gwarn, wha gwarn, wha gwarn, wha gwarn, you good, yeah, good to hear, good to hear, good to hear, yeah, say no more, say no more, yeah, it's all about them positive vibe's, still and, yeah, and, aspire to inspire, aspiring oneself and, optimism over pessimism, and, option's, optimist, it's a, gift, it's a, gift, and, guidance, and, realist, it's a, journey, no, pie in the, sky, bizness and, yeah, seen..obstacle's, hurdle's, and, hurdle's, obstacle's, and, yeah...criteria, process..process, criteria, and, very important, still and, very, important, still and, yeah, save yourself, everyone at there own pace's, and, yeah, everyone at there oWn pace's, and, younger's, save yourself, and, yeah, a, realist, realism to optimism, a, optimist, option's, and, keep your head above water, and, keep your head high, and, stay in school, and yeah, stay in school, and, try your best, and, at least you tried, and, at least you tried, and, yeah, try your best still, and, yeah, and, peace and unity, and, community, community, and, yoUr the future, and, your the future, and, alwAy's remember, though, still and, your all, your, all, brown, black, white, mixed race, king's, and, queen's, yeah, your all, your, all, brown, mixed race, white, black, king's, and, feminist, queen's..yeah, say no more, say no more, yo, man a, mediator, mediator, still and, yeah, peacekeeper, peacekeeper, still and, yeah, 

younger's, it's all about, it's all about, alwAy's, aspiring oneself, and, yeah, aspire to inspire, optimism over pessimism, and, guidance, and, younger's, you all have a, good moRning, still and, yeah, respect, respect, *spud's*,  yeah...seen...alright, cool, younger's...PEACE"...

...yeah, bIG up, bIG up, all, the, southall, crew, southall high street, bIG up, all, the, southall high street, crew, bIG up, bIG up, respect, respect, all crew, all crew, respect, respect, bIG up, the havelock estate, crew, all the, dormer's well's, crew, link's, crew, all the, greenford, crew, gate's, crew, portland cresent, crew, 85 portland cresent, greenford, and, all, the, ellesmere road, crew, allanby road, crew, all the, ub6, crew, all the, mansell road, crew, all the, norwood green, crew, all the, norwood green, crew, north, greenford, south, greenford, crew, bIG up, bIG up, yeah, YEH, peace up, peace and unity, peace and unity, peace and unity, peace and u-ni-ty, peace and unity, peeeeaace and, YEH, community, community, all communities, all communities, everyone and, everyone and, everywhere and, everywhere and, the borough of ealing, yeah, your all, your, all, brown, white, black, mixed race, king's, and, queen's, your all, your, all, brown, mixed race, white, black, king's, and, queen's, yeah..stay spiritual, stay spiritual..guidance, and...PEACE...bIG up, the borough of ealing, the borough of hillingdon, the borough of hounslow, the borough of hammersmith and fulham, the, borough of kensington and chelsea, the, borough of westminster, all, the..west, london, crew, weezy, west, london, bIG up, bIG up..north, west, london, the borough of brent, borough of camden, the, borough of barnet, the, borough of harrow,  bIG up, bIG up, yeah, peace up, peace and unity, peace and unity, peace and unity, peace and u-ni-ty, peace and unity, peeeeaace and, YEH, community, community, all communities, all communities, everyone and, everyone and, yeah, everywhere and, everywhere and, community, community, your all, your, all, mixed race, black, white, brown, king's, and, queen's, your all, your, all, mixed race, brown, white, black, king's, and, queen's, yeah, bIG up, bIG up, 

soon come, soon come, take a break, take a break, talk done, talk done, done the talk, done the talk, let's go 


Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2023 2:45am


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Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2023 2:45am

evening, evening, evening, pEople..wha gwarn, wha gwarn, wha gwarn, what's gOOd, what's gOOd, what's poPPin, what's going on, you cool, you cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, good, yOu good, the pEople good, the community good, the, community good, the pEople good, yOu good, i'm good, i'M good..yeah, alright, cool..boom...

alright, cool, yo, make the, tiMe, go, quicker,  still and, yeah, for, 5 minute, 15, 10, 15, 10, 5 minute, still and, yeah, bored and, bored and, yeah, yo...just, woke, up, and, yeah, yoooooooo...oiiiiiiiiiiii, mate, maaaate, blood, just, zoning, out, like, yeah, man, just, zOning, out, like, YEAH, YEH, blood..*smirking, peace sign, smirking, peace sign*, *short, giggle's, peace sign, short giggle's, peace sign*, HEE, *sneaky, cheeky, grin's, peace sign, sneaky, cheeky, grin's, peace sign*,, just, woke, up, and, bored and, bored and, yeah, yo, YARL...yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, alright, cool, boom, have a, butcher's, and, pri, the, ting, and, still and, pri, the, ting, and, still and, yeah, have a, butcher's, and, yeah...alright, cool, boom...

make the, tiMe, go, quicker, still and, yeah, for, 5 minute, 15, 10, 15, 10, 5 minute, still and, yeah, yawning, bizness, and, YEAH, how you mean, nuthin mAJOr, minor, ting, still and, yeah, YEH, nuthin mAJOr, minor, ting, still and, YEAH, yoooooooo...oiiiiiiiiii, blood, whew, wOii,

on a serious note, oN A sErious note, 

evening, evening, evening, alright, cool, yo, boom, 

apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, pEople, 

practice run's, clean up's, clean up, ting, clean up, ting, clean up's, practice run's, ignore this, still and, yeah, ignore this, still and, yeah, practice run's, practice run's, clean up's, clean up's, principle's, principle's, principle, ting, principle, ting, man, a, man of peace, 

peacekeeper, peacekeeper, mediator, mediator, still, and, yeah, man, a, man of respect, man, a, man of honour, man, a, man of peace, 

yeah, clean up's, clean up's, apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, i hear you, i hear you, still, and, yeah, 

man, a, family man, man, a, community man, community man, family man, man, a, peace man, man, a, yeah, man, a, peace man, 

man, from road, man, from road, still, and, yeah, man hood, man hood, man, a, character, still, and, yeah, man, a..character, still, and, yeah, 

man, a, gentlemen, still, and, still, and, yeah, man, a, gentlemen, etiquette, manner's, man, humble, man, humble, manner's, etiquette, man, a, gentlemen, still, and, yeah, man, a, gentlemen, still, and, and, yeah, 

man, a, man of peace, peacekeeper, punching bag, punching bag, peacekeeper, mediator,  mediator, still, and, yeah, private citizen, private citizen, man, spiritual, just, like, you, just, like, you, man, spiritual, man, a, peace man, peace man, 

yeah, man, like, a, like, a, monitor, certain, time, and, yeah, like, a..private investigator, still, and, yeah, private investigating, national phenomenon, national phenomenon, for example, 

monitoring, national phenomenon, national phenomenon, for example, 

and, and, monitoring, the, proceeding's, private investigating, the, proceeding's, and, yeah, monitoring, the, proceeding's, and, and, private investigating, the, proceeding's, and, and, yeah, for example, 

private investigating, national phenomenon, national phenomenon, and, and, yeah, monitoring, national phenomenon, national phenomenon, and, and, yeah, for example, yeah,

man, like, a, man, like, a, monitor, still, and, yeah, certain, time, and, yeah, like, a, like, a, private investigator, and, and, yeah, for example, 

man, a, man of peace, peacekeeper, peacekeeper, mediator, mediator, still, and, yeah, practicing building communities, and, and, yeah, man, a, man of peace, on reflex,  on rEflex, man, a, man of peace, and, and, yeah, man, a, all communities, all communities, man a, community man, community man, man, a, family man, family man, 

practicing building communities, practicing building communities, 

practicing the moSt cOmmon sense, practicing the moSt cOmmon sENse, within the most healthiEst stAndard, within standArd's, within the most healthieSt staNdard, within standArd's, as the biggeSt goal, as the biggeSt goal, as a principle, AS A PRIncipLE, as a, mAn of peace, aS A, MAn of peace, practicing keepiNg the peace, practicing keEpiNg the peace, yeah, man, a, peacekeeper, peacekeeper, mediator, mediator, still, and, yeah, 

the, m.o, m.O, personality, mentality, man, a, man of peace, manifest peace, personality, mentality, man, a, man of peace, manifest peace, 

yeah, i hear you, i hear you, still, and, yeah, journey's, experience's, reference's, palette, from when man was born the 5th of may 1979, 5.5 79, manifest peace, man a, man of peace, 

journey's, experience's, reference's, palette, from when man was born the 5th of may 1979, 5.5.79, manifest peace, 

national phenomenon, national phenomenon, aside, aside, and, and, every incident, every incident, for example, 

man, a, man of peace, 

apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, pEople, 

man, eccentric, man, eccentric, still and, yeah, man, a, man of peace, and, yeah, man, a, man of peace, still and, yeah, man spiritual, just, like, you, just, like, you, man spiritual, stay spiritual, stay spiritual, 

the, manifesto, manifest peace, resume, repertoire, repertoire, resume, it's a, peace, ting, it's a, peace, ting, it's a, pEace, moVement, reflex, rEflex, 

the, manifesto, 

from, late, 2018, from, late, 2018, and, till late 2019, and, yeah, till late, 2019, on and off, and yeah, 2020, on and off, and, and, 2020, on and off, and, yeah, 2021, on and off, and, 2021, a bit more, and, and, a bit more, and, still and, yeah, 2022, 2022, on and off, and, on and off, and, still and, yeah, 2023, still got a, cOld, still, or, sumthin, still, sounding, like, i've got, a, cOld, or, sumthin, still, sounding, like, i've, got, a, cOld, or, sumthin, still, got, a, cOld, still, or, sumthin, national phenomenon, national phenomenon, aside, aside, or, sumthin, like, that, or, sumthin, like, that, and, and, yeah,

man, a, peacekeeper, peacekeeper, mediator, mediator, still, and, yeah, 

random, random, national phenomenon, national phenomenon, aside, aside, and, and, 

on a next note, on, a, next, note, 

real, quick, real, quick, still, 

and, yeah, you know what, though, still, and, yeah, boom, quick, ting, quick, ting, you know what, boom, 

random, random, 

on a serious note, on a serious note, 

yeah, i hear you, i hear you, still, and, yeah, 

no miscontruity's, within obviousity, obvious, obviously, obviously, obvious, within obviousity, no miscontruity's, but,

man a 100% proud heterosexual spiritual man of peace organically biologically genetically medically scientifically spiritual spiritually man of peace, neutral, colour blind, man of peace,

man a 100% proud heterosexual spiritual man of peace organically biologically genetically medically scientifically spiritual spiritually man of peace, neutral, colour blind, man of peace, peacekeeper, peacekeeper, mediator, mediator, still and, yeah, 

with no hole's in the script, and, with nuthin to hide, and, with no hole's in the script, and with nuthin to hide, and, 

and, no funny bizness, and, no disrespect, and, no insinuation's, no misunderstanding's, no miscontruity's, no misconception's, no contradiction's, no contradiction's, no misconception's, no miscontruity's, no misunderstanding's, and, no insinuation's, and, no disrespect, no funny bizness, and, 

apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, pEople,

bIG up, bIG up, all the, lgbtq, crew, all the, lgbtq, crew, bIG up, bIG up, 

again, to reiterate, to repeat, reiteration's, reiteration's, to repeat, to reiterate, again, 

man, a, man of peace, peacekeeper, peacekeeper, mediator, mediator, still, and, yeah, 

personality, mentality, man, a, man of peace,


man, a, man of peace, 

neutral, colour blind, colour blind, neutral, 

cultural connoisseur, 

man local, local, locally, worldwide, worldwide, proud, world citizen, and, yeah, man, a, proud, world citizen, and, yeah, man, a, world citizen, world citizen, worldwide, worldwide, locally, local, man local, 

cultural connoisseur, man, a, artist, still and, yeah, man, artistic, that art, appreciate that art, furthermore, man, rhythmic, still, and, and, yeah, man, rhythmic, and, and, still, and, yeah, and, and, so on, and, so, on, and, man, a, artist, still, and, yeah, man, artistic, that art, appreciate that art, yeah, 

man, neutral, nonchalant, and, and, nonchalant, man, neutral, and, and, man a, man of peace, 

manifesting, the, manifest, the, mentality,  man a, man of peace, personality, mentality, man a, man of peace, manifest, the, manifesto, yeah, the, manifesto, yeah, the pEace movEment, manifest peace, the, manifestation, man a, peacekeeper, peacekeeper, mediator, mediator, still and, yeah, 

YEAH, yo, yooooo...oiiiiiiiiii, long, long, long, long, i hear you, i hear you, still, check, in, check, in, national phenomenon, national phenomenon, aside, aside, and, and, yeah, i hear you, i hear you, though, though, still, but yeah, 

random, random, random, random

man, eccentric, man, eccentric, still, and, yeah, practice run's, clean up's, clean up's, practice run's, principle's, principle's, 

apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, 

man, a, man of peace, peacekeeper, peacekeeper, mediator, mediator, still, and, yeah, on reflex, on rEflex, in the light, in the dark, in the light, in the dark, principle's, principle's, on reflex, on rEflex, in principle, in principle, but yeah, 

random, random, random, random, 

personality, mentality, manifesting, the, manifest, yeah, manifest peace, yeah, the, manifesto, the, pEace moVement, the, pEace moVement, the, manifesto, manifest peace, yeah, the, manifestation, man, a, man of peace, yeah, seen...seen, peacekeeper, peacekeeper, mediator, mediator, still, and, yeah, on reflex, on rEflex, 

hood to hood, block to block, endz to endz,  all neighbourhood's, all neighbourhood's, all prison's, all prison's, manor to, manor, manor, to, manor, all economic residential neighborhood's, all economic residential neighborhood's, hood to, hood, hood to, hood, all neighbourhood's, all neighbourhood's, all communities, all communities, everyone and, everyone and, everywhere and, everywhere and, local, locally, worldwide, in principle, in principle, worldwide, locally, local, community, community, 

peace up, gUn's dOwn, knife's dOwn, knife's dOwn, gUn's dOwn, peace and unity, community, community, peace up, positive vibrAtion's...positive vibrAtion's...option's...option's...i hear you, i hear you, still and, yeah...don't watch that, still, and, yeah, don't watch that, still, and, yeah, yoooooooo...oiiiiiiiiii, blood, bossman, yo, mate, blood, geeze..yo, brudda, brOski, yo, fella..bruv, mY brudda, younger..blood, bro, bossmAn, brOski, yo, fella, yo, brudda, geeze...blood, all the, boss lady, them, ms, lady, sis, blood,, white, brown, mixed race, empress, yeah, YEH, seen...seen...

blood..sis, ms, lady, blood, ha, sis, young lady, ha, sis, ha ha, miss, daughter, respect, respect, 

all, black, white, brown, mixed race, king's, and, queen's, 

your all, your, all, black, white, brown, mixed race, king's, and, femEniSt, queen's..yeah..

be, the, best, black, white, brown, mixed race, king, and, queen, that, yOu, can, bE...

alwAy's, remember, alwAy's remember, 

your all, your, all, gentlemen, and, ladies, your all, your, all, gentlemen, and, ladies, YEAH, YEH...

peace up, step, that's the, step, angled, angled, step, stepping, watch the step, man, a, man of peace, 

man, a, man of respect, man, a, man of honour, man, a, peacekeeper, peacekeeper, mediator, mediator, still, and, yeah, man, a, man of peace..peace and unity, honOur...all communities, all communities, everyone and, everyone and, everywhere and, everywhere and, local, locally, worldwide, in principle, in principle, worldwide, locally, local, community, community, 

check in, man, a, man of peace, 

peace up, step, stepping, watch the step, 

check in, man, a, man of respect, man, a, man of honour, honOur...

it's a, peace, ting, it's a, peace, ting, it's a, pEace movEment, 

peacekeeper, peacekeeper, mediator, mediator, still, and, yeah, 

man, a, man of peace, 

peace up, gUn's dOwn, knife's dOwn, knife's dOwn, gUn's dOwn, peace up, it's a, peace, ting, it's a, peace, ting, it's a, pEace movEment, 

peace and unity, peace and unity, peace and unity, peace and u-ni-ty, peace and unity, peeeeaace and, YEH, all communities, all communities, community, community, everyone and, everyone and, everywhere and, everywhere and, local, locally, worldwide, worldwide, locally, local,  community, community...your all, your, all, black, white, brown, mixed race, king's, and, queen's, your, all, black, white, brown, mixed race, king's, and, femEniSt, queen's...guidance, and, guidance, and...pEople...PEACE... 

yo, conclude and, conclude and, yo, quick, quick, yo..yooooo..oiiiiiiiiii...blood, random, random, 

yo, and, 

stay spiritual, stay spiritual,

yo, man spiritual, just, like, you, just, like, you, man spiritual... 

stay spiritual, stay spiritual, 

yeah, personality, mentality, manifesting, the, manifest, manifest peace, yeah, the, manifesto, the, pEace moVement, the, pEace moVement, the, manifesto, manifest peace, yeah, the, manifestation, yeah, yeah, long, long, long, long, *grumpy peace look sign, grumpy peace look sign*, slipping, slipping, i hear you, i hear you, still, and, yeah, YEH, man, a, man of peace, peacekeeper, peacekeeper, mediator, mediator, still and, yeah, on reflex, on rEflex, 

man, a, man of peace, practicing the moSt cOmmon sense, practicing the moSt cOmmon sENse, 

within the most healthiest standard, within standard's, within the most healthiest standard, within standard's, 

man, as, man, strive, as, i, strive to achieve, as, i, strive to achieve, as the bIGGEst goal, as the bIGGEst goal, as a principle, AS A PRIncipLE, 

as a, mAn of peace, aS a, MAn of peace, practicing keepiNg the peace, practicing keEpiNg the peace...guidance, and, guidance, and...PEACE, 

pEople, soon come, soon come, take a break, take a break, talk done, talk done, done the talk, done the talk, let's go 


Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2023 1:26am


Original Poster

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Location: Kilburn

Joined: 5 Nov 2022

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2023 1:26am

afternoon, afternoon, afternoon, pEople...alright, cool, boom...yo, wha gwarn, wha gwarn, wha gwarn, wha gwarn, what's gOOd, what's gOOd, what's poPPin, what's going on, you cool, you cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool...seen...seen, seen, seen, seen, seen, seen, seen, seen, seen...alright, cool, boom, you good..ha ha, brudda, man, a, family man, man, a, community man, man, a, yeah, man, a, community man, man, a, family man, still, and, yeah, say no more, ha ha, yo, *giggles *, *spud's*, say no know, it's the...'step'...yeah, know the, drill, routine,'s a, hmm, ha, ms, apologie's, yeah, darling..sweetheart, yo babes, apologie's, yeah..nah, don't watch that, still, and, yeah, *wink's, peace sign*, man, a, gentlemen, still, and, yeah, man, a..gentlemen, still, and, yeah, seen..yeah, ms, good moRning, good moRning, get me mate, mate, *chuckle's, giggle's*,, you have a, goOd moRning, bossman, moRning, yeah, that's the, that's the...'step', yeah, 

yOu good, the pEople good, the community good, the, community good, the pEople good, yOu good, i'm good, i'M good...alright, cool, boom...

evening, evening, evening...alright, cool..yoooooo...oiiiiiiii...alright, cool..yes, yEs, practice run's, practice run's, apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, i hear you, i hear you, still, and, yeah, apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, 

practice run's, practice run's, clean up's, clean up's, clean up, ting, clean up, ting, clean up's, clean up's, practice run's, practice run's, cleAn up aNalogy, cleAN uP aNAlogy, context, context, practice run's, practice run's, man, a, man of peace, 

yeah, again, to, reiterate, to, repeat, reiteration's, reiteration's, to, repeat, to, reiterate, again, 

apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, pEople, 

about the, last, couple of, about the, last,  couple of, thread's, post's, and, thread's, post's, and, the, last, the, last, couple of, month's, week's, late, last, year, this year, late, last, year, the, last, couple of, week's, this year, and, last, couple of, month's, and, yeah, apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, 

phone, took a, drop, dropped, the, phone, mobe's, and, internet, page's, frozen, and, internet, page's, frozen, and, phone, took a, drop, dropped, the, phone, mobe's, and,  apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, apologie's, 

alright, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, boom...just, woke, up, half a, wake, half a, sleep, and, and, half a, sleep, half a, wake, yeah, sleep, walking, sleep, walking, and, and, yo..for example, on a serious note, oN A sErious note, yeah, half a, wake, and, and, half a, sleep, half a, sleep, half a, wake, and, and, yeah, 

bored and, bored and, yawning, bizness, and, yawning, bizness, and, and, yeah, just a, mess, mess, mess, just a, mess, mess, mess, and, and, yeah, and, yo...alright, cool, hEllo...

have a, quick, butcher's and, pri, the, ting, and, pri, the, ting, have a, quick, butcher's, and, alright, cool...boom..

make the, time, go, quicker, still, and, yeah, for, 5 minute, 15, 10, 15, 10, 5 minute, still, and, yeah, make the, time, go, quicker, still, and, and, 2, 2's innit, and, 2, 2's still, and, and, yeah, innit, AS YOU DO, mate, mate, geeze, blood, AS YOU DO, mate, mate, geeze, yeah, for, 5 minute, 15, 10, 15, 10, 5 minute, still, and, yeah, nuthin mAJOr, minor, ting, still, and, yeah, yoooooo...oiiiiiiiiii, mate, maaaate, blood, boom, man, just, zoning, out, like, get me mate, get me blood, man, just, zOning, out, like, yeah, YEH, yARL, *giggle's*, HEE..yo, *get man's, composure, back, cheeky, angled, angled, yeah..stance, and, grin's, and, and, seen..seen, yeah, peace sign, and*, yoh, nuthin mAJOr, minor, ting, still, and, yeah, YEH, yo...

on a serious note, oN A sErious note, 

it's all about, it's all about, look, map it out, now, and, yeah, pri, the, ting, and, have a, butcher's, and, yeah, have a, butcher's, and...pri, the, ting, and, yeah, map it out, like, and, yeah, 

north, west, and, north weezy, north, west, and, north, east, the, east end, and, and, down sout, and, and, west, weezy, west, and, and...

ok..ok..hmm...ok, cool...yeah, alright, boom, 

yeah, it's all about, it's all about, reconnaissance, bizness, and, pri, the, neighborhood, north, west, east, south, and, and, it's all about, it's all about, reconnaissance, bizness, and, pri, the, neighborhood, and, reach, and, reach, and, and, yeah, for, household, item's, to, cop, purchase, yeah, if, man's, coming, from, far, and, a, next neighborhood, nearby, or, further, out, still, and, further, out, still, and, yeah, next adjacent, neighborhood, next neighborhood, seen, touch road, touch road, and, reach, reach, next, week, and, and, yeah, or, today, tomorrow, for example, this, week, next, week, and, and, window shop, window shop, pri, the, endz, arEa, neighbourhood, have a, butcher's, and, have a, butcher's, and, pri, the, endz, area, neighbourhood, window shop, window shop, and, and, yeah, the, retail, premises, outlet's, night, daytime, household, item's, pri, the, have a, quick, butcher's, and, yeah, have a, quick, butcher's, and, yeah, which, one, item, item, household, household, which, one, yeah, to, cop, and, purchase, and, and, yeah, or, reach, or, reach, that, endz, that, endz, to, cop, purchase, to, cop, purchase, and, and, from last week, from last week, still, and, yeah, that, one, household,, seen, household, item, item, and, and, yeah, north, west, east, sout, and, and, yeah, 

if man's, coming, from, far, and, and, yeah, window shopped, window shopped, and, and, reach next week, yeah, them one's innit, reach next week, or, cop, purchase, the, item, item's, cop, purchase, the, item, item's, for example, yeah, and, go about your bizness, and, keep it moVing, yeah, if man's, come, from, far, if man's, come, from, far, now, boom, waste, some, time, and, make, the, time, go, quicker, still, and, yeah, kick, back, and, relax, take a break, post up, posted up, on a, high street, high road, broadway, or, broadway, or, high road, or, high street, bench, and, and, wash, down, some, cold, healthy, beverage and, and, juice, and, yeah, posted up,  

check, in, show, that, love, show, that, love, 

yo, soon come, soon come, take a, break, take a, break, talk done, talk done, done the talk, done the talk, let's go,

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