Looking for possible relatives
Hello everyone,
Recently i've been trying to fill out my family tree but there as always been a gap. This gap is quite personal for my mother and my uncle who are both still alive and would like to know who their grand father was. Their father died on boxing day 1999 without ever knowing who his biological father was. Now we have a name and he is related to the Omrskirk area. His name is ERNEST GRIMSHAW and possibly worked for LANCASHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL. It was always his dying wish to know of his father but because he was born in 1933 out of wed-lock his mother took it to her grave and her name was LILIAN STOTT. Ernest's son was called HARRY STOTT and he turned out to be a really lovely person and very likeable to everyone he met, worked for Rolls Royce for the best part of his life. He had a son and a daughter as well as six grandchildren. Today times are very different and we would love to know if anybody as any information about Ernest. Any information welcome!!!
Thank You.