evening, evening, evening, evening..
bIG up, bIG up, ALL..the..bashment, crew, and, and,
vibe's, and, vibe's, and,
bIG up, bIG up, bIG up, bIG up, all the bashment, head's, all the bashment, head's, and, and,
all the, root's, crew, and, all the, conscious, crew, all the, conscious, crew, and, all the, dub, crew, dub, root's, sound system, crew, selector's, toaster's, soundmAn, all the, selector's, soundmAn, toaster's, all the, sound system, crew, all the, foundation, all the, foundation, crew, respect, respect, respect, respect, bIG up, bIG up, bIG up, bIG up..
all, king's, and, queen's, all, king's, and, feminist, queen's,
yo, take a break, take a break, take a break, take a break,